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CX Day Argentina 2024 had the participation of more than 600 attendees

On May 15, a new edition of CX Day Argentina 2024 was held, one of the most important EX and CX meetings in Latin America, organized by CX Events. More than 600 people attended the event in person. who were able to listen to presentations by expert speakers and participate in networking areas.

The meeting took place at the Santander Auditorium, City of Buenos Aires. And those professionals who could not attend in person were able to follow all the presentations virtually. The live broadcast was present throughout the entire event.

The thematic axis of this edition was “Experiences with Positive Impact” where trends such as Generative AI, Omnichannel, Sustainability, Cultural Transformation and ROI; all focused on the Experience of Clients and Collaborators.

Disruptive presentations and success stories

The meeting was organized in four blocks where each speaker, accompanied by leading companies in the industry, presented their presentation. A notable feature of the meeting was the focus that the organizations placed on telling success stories so that participants could incorporate knowledge in a practical way.

In the first block, Santander presented, together with Telecom, a success story: they participated Jalil Deguer (Customer Strategy and Experience Manager at Santander) and Simon Tadeo (Customer Experience & Core Business Planning Director at Telecom). Then she went on stage. Carolina Smart (Head of Customer & Employee Experience at Ipsos) to talk about the Future of Customer and Employee Experience.

The second block was made up of the Yoizen and Scienza team: Luciano Delgado (Innovation and Process Leader), Lorena Bazan (Digital Channels Leader) and Nicholas Podroksky (Co-Founder & CEO) who also presented a success story in the health industry.

They also participated Lucia Tonda (Head of CX in Naranja X) with the presentation “Digital first, omnichannel and with Naranja X DNA”; Marcos Laplacette (Director

Commercial at Net2phone Argentina) talking about AI and Omnichannel applied to customer service. In addition, CyT presented the success story “Naturgy with the participation Carlos Marchetti (Communications), Claudio Sari (Commercial Manager) and Diego Hepner (Marketing and Quality Manager) sharing the strategic alliance with the companies in order to provide quality service to their clients.

The CAT Technologies and Xdroid team captivated the audience by presenting how Generative AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are revolutionizing the understanding of the voice of the customer.

On the other hand, Martin Setton shared a unique vision on the case of Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes, an organization with more than 130 years of history, and it has adopted a customer-focused perspective to remain relevant in a constantly evolving market.

One of the last individual presentations was led by Eliana De CelisSolution Engineer at Qualtrics, who offered insightful insight into how to make Customer Experience a competitive advantage for organizations.


The meeting surprised with two very interesting debates led by experts in the discipline. The first panel, “How can we link EX and Sustainability to promote a culture of well-being among employees?” delved into strategies to align sustainability objectives with well-being initiatives for the members of the organization.

The second panel addressed a topic that was present throughout the day: “AI Governance + CX: effective practices to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI”. This time, participants learned how organizations can navigate the complex universe of AI without compromising integrity or customer trust.

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