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Volunteer Firefighter’s Day: why it is celebrated today and how to collaborate for its operation


He National Volunteer Firefighter Day is celebrated every June 2nd in Argentina with the aim of paying tribute to those people who provide an essential service for the safety and assistance of citizens and the environment. This day seeks to raise awareness about the importance of participation, development and support for this activity.

During the day, people are encouraged to join the barracks, train as firefighters or collaborate with donations to improve the functioning of the more than 900 fire departments in the country. Currently, Argentina has more than 43,000 active volunteer firefighters, of which 7,000 are women.

Why Volunteer Firefighter’s Day is celebrated todayIgnacio Sánchez – LA NACION

The origin of this anniversary dates back to June 2, 1884, when a large fire in a house located in the La Boca neighborhood. The incident was of such magnitude that it compromised the other homes in the area. This way, Thomas Libertia neighbor, spontaneously organized a group to attend and control the fire.

The body was made up of several people, among whom was his son. Liberti coordinated each of the members, telling them how and where to act. Fortunately, this human chain managed to calm the situation and inspire creation. of the first Volunteer Fire Department in Argentina. In honor of this feat, a street in this neighborhood was named after him and on June 2, declared as the Volunteer Firefighter’s Day.

Volunteer Firefighters require collaboration from citizensto finance its expenses and function properly. Each chapter in the country organizes programs and activities to raise money.

Likewise, the official site of the Firefighters Foundation of Argentina offers two options to contribute:

What are the requirements to be a volunteer firefighter?

Firefighters Foundation of Argentina invites people to join the barracks of the different bodies located in the country. Each province has federations, which have different requirements from each other. However, the Argentine Fire Academy establishes certain common criteria to be able to sign up for programs, training and take part:

All provinces have offices open to the public, which provide information on the steps to follow to be a Volunteer Firefighter. It is advisable to approach these establishments to learn about the process and their registration dates.


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