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This is how AMLO voted this June 2 at the SHCP Museum | PHOTO

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has already gone to vote (Mexico). EFE/ Sáshenka Gutiérrez

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador it came out of National Palace to exercise their citizen right to votein a crucial election to determine whether his project, which began in 2018continues or if it is hindered by the arrival of the opposition.

Early on the morning of Sunday, June 2, López Obrador in the company of his wife Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller He went to vote at the polling station installed on 4 Moneda Street, in the Centro neighborhood, in the Museum of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), the Old Palace of the Archbishopric.

It is in this box where the president votes since he moved to National Palace in June 2019 -both in the midterm elections and in the mandate revocation consultation that took place in April 2022-.

AMLO attended the booth located in the SHCP Museum. (Presidency)

Cheer up”the president shouted. The booth already looked crowded and many people who were lined up took the opportunity to take a photo with him.

Upon arrival he showed his voting lisensementioned his name, cut off his ballot and exercised his vote.

Upon leaving the National Palace, the Tabasco native was questioned about who he voted for, since on previous occasions, in the elections of 2006, 2012 and 2018he did not vote for himself.

In those elections, the federal president voted for Carlos Monsiváis, José María Pérez Gay and Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, respectively.

President López Obrador voted at the polling station located at 4 Monera Street. (Presidency)

During previous days, President López Obrador said he was sure that these elections would be the cleaner and more peaceful in the history of Mexico, for which elements of the Armed Forces and the National Guard were deployed.

On the morning of May 28, the president indicated that this process will turn out in the best way, since he worked hand in hand with the state governments and the INE so that citizens can vote freely.

“We consider that they are going to be free and clean elections and above all peaceful“That is my prediction, that is what I maintain and we are also working with that purpose with the state governments and with the INE so that together we can ensure that the people demonstrate freely,” said President López Obrador.

The president boasted that during his six-year term he reduced working poverty. Photo: Government of Mexico

He also added that the ‘adversaries’ are betting on violence, but that the day will take place in a harmonious way:

“The elections are going to be, that is my prediction, cleaner, freer in the history of Mexico those of Sunday, just as I am telling you. Our adversaries, the conservatives, bet that there was going to be violence. and fortunately it has not been like that,” he explained.

The president mentioned – just before the electoral ban began – that perhaps today he would give a message about the elections, although he made it clear that he would wait for the INE. He also recalled that he would speak in more detail on the Morning of June 3.

“I I have to wait for the INE“Maybe I’ll upload something… And the next day we’re going to be here and we’re going to talk more,” said the president while confirming that on Sunday he will remain in National Palace and the only outing he will make that day will be early to vote.

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