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a ruling shows a 99% collapse in Berkshire Hathaway

The error affects the ‘type A’ shares of Warren Buffett’s group. It has also affected the stocks of Barrick Gold and Nuscale Power.

Problems on Wall Street. A technical failure in the NYSE has shown a collapse of 99.97% in the shares of Berkshire Hathawaythe business conglomerate of Warren Buffett. The ‘type A’ shares of this company have been suspendedas, while those of ‘type B’ lost 0.9%.

The titles of Barrick Gold and Nuscale Power have also been affected. The Stock Exchange

Problems on Wall Street. A technical failure in the NYSE has shown a collapse of 99.97% in the shares of Berkshire Hathawaythe business conglomerate of Warren Buffett. The ‘type A’ shares of this company have been suspendedas, while those of ‘type B’ lost 0.9%.

The titles of Barrick Gold and Nuscale Power have also been affected. The New York Stock Exchange has said it is investigating the issue.

The actions of Berkshire Hathaway They present some of the highest prices on Wall Street, since Buffett, who owns just over 38% of ‘type A’ securities, sees it as a way to attract investors only interested in the search for value and with vision long term. They marked their all-time high on March 28 of this year, closing at $634,440.

Today, before trading was stopped, just under 4,000 transactions in these securities had been recorded.

This setback occurs on the same day that the shares of GameStop They have shot up 70% in the pre-opening, although once the session started their progress has moderated to 30%. The reason for this escalation is not due to any error, but rather to the announcement by Keith Gill or, as it is known on networks, ‘Roaring Kitty’from a $116 million position in the company.

Gill was the one who mobilized those known as ‘Reddit forums’ at the beginning of 2021 to buy shares of the video game company.

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