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The Official Ballet School presents its Family Day

The Province’s dance training body anticipates the winter holidays with a show for the whole family.

The Official Ballet School of the Province will present its “Family Day” on Wednesday, June 26 at 8 p.m., in the facilities of the “Juan Carlos Saravia” Provincial Theater, Zuviria 70. Unlike previous years, when the event was intended exclusively to the students’ families, this year the function will be open to the general public.

On stage you can enjoy the talent of the students from the first to the eighth year of the School. “The performance will be for the entire family since Family Day is the first opportunity for the school’s youngest students to go on stage at the Provincial Theater for the first time,” said Alejandra Cercena, director of the institution. “It is a unique opportunity to show the progress of each of our students. It will be a great family party and that is why we want to invite all Salteños and tourists to this function” she concluded.

Tickets can be purchased at the Teatro Provincial box office at Zuviría 70, as well as through

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