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AFP Retirement – OFFICIAL SCHEDULE: Who requests their retirement in June 2024? | ANSWERS

This is the AFP withdrawal schedule according to your DNI | The Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) published the official schedule for the seventh AFP withdrawal up to 4 UIT (S/20,600). In this way, all the necessary information is already known about the new disbursement that the Peruvians who are affiliated will be able to make. If you still do not know what date you should complete the procedure, in this note you will find more details such as dates, times, procedures, deadlines and other relevant information.

Remember that the process will be free and digital, through the website (the page will be activated on May 20). They can do it from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm, except on holidays. The initiative enables the extraordinary and optional withdrawal of part of the accumulated funds for all members of the Private Pension System (SPP), without exception.

It is estimated that about 7 million people will be able to access up to 4 UIT – 20,600 soles from their individual accounts.

You must bear in mind that the registration of requests will begin on Monday, May 20. It will be free and 100% digital. Below we share the programming according to your last digit of your ID:

  • If your ID ends in 1, register your request on May 20 and 21, and June 18.
  • If your ID ends in 2, register your request on May 22 and 23, and June 19.
  • If your ID ends in 3, register your request on May 24 and 27, and June 20.
  • If your ID ends in 4, register your request on May 28 and 29, and June 21.
  • If your ID ends in 5, register your request on May 30 and 31, and June 24.
  • If your ID ends in 6, register your request on June 3, 4 and June 25.
  • If your ID ends in 7, register your request on June 5 and 6, and June 26.
  • If your ID ends in 8, register your request on June 10 and 11, and June 27.
  • If your ID ends in 9, register your request on June 12 and 13, and June 28.
  • If your DNI ends in 0, letter or other, register your request on June 14 and 17, and July 1.
  • Between July 2 and August 17, register your request in no established order.
  • Enter this LINK:
  • Click on “I want to withdraw”.
  • After that, the AFP Retirement 2024 regulations will open, and when you finish reading it you must click on “start my application”.
  • Then, you must select the type of document depending on your case: DNI, immigration card, military and police card, adolescent license, passport, temporary residence permit, foreign relations identity card, temporary residence permit card, identification card. foreigner’s identity or refugee applicant card.
  • Insert your DNI number and the verification digit.
  • Enter your date of birth
  • Click on “I am not a robot”, then “consult” (here it will appear if this date applies to you to withdraw your money).
  • If you are on the corresponding date, enter the password with which you access your AFP website. Then, click “Validate” and, after confirming that you agree to the withdrawal, press the “Register your request” button.
  • Then you will see the amount you have available to withdraw, so you must answer the question: “How much do you want to withdraw from your fund?”
  • It will ask you if you want to transfer your fund to an account at your bank or to a “freely available” AFP account. After selection, you must click “Continue”
  • You must choose the location of the withdrawal destination (payment at a financial institution in Peru or payment at a bank abroad). In addition, you must add the data of your place of residence (department, province, district and address).
  • When entering payment information at the financial institution, you must choose between two alternatives: “Account deposit.” I do not have an account. If your case is the first, select the bank of your choice and enter the account number (without the interbank code).
  • Finally, indicate your contact information (Email and current cell phone number)
  • If you have completed all the information correctly, you will receive the message: “Good! We create your request. Save the number to follow up whenever you want!

Each AFP at the national level has a total record of all contributions, this can be viewed on the website or application of the entities, be it AFP Integra, Prima, Habitat and Profuturo. Next, we will give you the steps on how to find out how much money you have in your account depending on the AFP to which you are affiliated.

  • AFP Integra: if you are a member of this administrator, you can enter the following link:
  • Prima AFP: go to the page and enter your ID number and password.
  • AFP Habitat: to review the account status in this AFP you must go to
  • Profuturo AFP: if you are an affiliate of this AFP you can go to to see your account statement.

If you are thinking of calculating an amount to make a payment with the new value of the UIT, which would be S/5,150, you will only have to multiply this figure by the amount of UIT that you need to cancel. In this way, if you must pay a value of 2 UIT, you only have to multiply 2 by S/5,150, so you will obtain S/10,300 as a result. Likewise, we present the ITU calculator that the State has made available to citizens and you can find it through this LINK.

As can be confirmed on some platforms, to make the query regarding which AFP one belongs to, it must be done as follows:

  • Go to the “Registration” option of SBS Online Services.
  • Read the conditions of use. If you agree with these, declare it and click “Next”.
  • You will be asked for your ID number and an email. We recommend that you have your identification document on hand so that you can complete your registration successfully.
  • Once registered, choose the option “Pension Situation Report” and that’s it. This way you will know which AFP you are in.

If you are a foreigner, click on the corresponding option that will appear in point 3.

The choice between a Pension Fund Administrator (AFP) and the Pension Normalization Office (ONP) system in Peru entails a series of crucial financial decisions that will directly impact the economic future of workers during their retirement.

In the AFP scheme, the amount of the pension that one will receive is strongly influenced by two fundamental factors: the level of savings accumulated throughout one’s working life and the profitability generated by investments. In this system, the responsibility falls on the individual to manage her contribution and make strategic decisions about how to invest her funds.

On the other hand, the ONP model takes a different approach. Here, workers’ contributions are added to a common fund that will serve as a source for the pensions of multiple beneficiaries. However, a crucial aspect distinguishes this scheme from the AFPs: in the ONP, individual contributions do not generate profitability. This means that, regardless of the amount accumulated in the fund, no additional increase is generated through investments.

This marked difference in the generation of profitability directly impacts the magnitude of the pensions that workers can expect. Those who opt for an AFP have the opportunity to optimize their savings and encourage fund growth through intelligent investment decisions. On the other hand, those who choose the ONP must consider that their pension will be determined largely by the amounts contributed, without the additional factor of investment performance.

Ultimately, choosing between AFP and ONP involves a careful evaluation of retirement goals, investment capacity, and risk tolerance. Workers should consider these crucial factors when making decisions about their long-term financial security.

The entities called Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) are established as private organizations that assume the responsibility of managing the financial resources destined for retirement, within a framework of individualized accounts.

These entities were born in 1993 and carry out their activity in the field of the Private Pension System (SPP).

The AFPs play a significant role in providing benefits in the form of pensions, covering areas such as retirement, disability, and survivor protection. Additionally, they also play a role in assisting with funeral costs.

The Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP is the body in charge of regulating and supervising the financial, insurance, private pension and savings and credit cooperative systems, as well as preventing and detecting money laundering and terrorist financing.

Its primary objective is to preserve the interests of depositors, policyholders and members of the SPP.

The SBS is a public law institution whose functional autonomy is recognized by the Political Constitution of Peru. Its objectives, functions and powers are established in the General Law of the Financial System and the Insurance System and Organic Law of the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP, Law No. 26702.

Financial stability

The SBS ensures that the financial, insurance, private pension, savings and credit cooperative systems and the companies that make them up are solid, solvent and sustainable over time; so that they can fulfill the important role that they play in the country’s economy, and with the obligations and commitments they contract with their users, respectively.

Financial integrity

The SBS collaborates with the general objective of protecting citizens, by establishing standards for the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism (LAFT). In this sense, the SBS seeks to reduce the probability of the occurrence of financial crime and its eventual impact.

Appropriate market conduct

The SBS looks after consumers of financial services, in the commercial relationships that they seek to contract and/or contract with the supervised companies, promoting fair and appropriate treatment to their interests, sufficient and appropriate information, and the implementation of dispute resolution mechanisms. efficient and fast claims.

Security and adequate performance of the Private Pension System

The SBS contributes to the development and strengthening of the Private Pension System (SPP) through regulatory and supervisory actions, as well as guidance and information, so that members can make appropriate decisions during and/or at the end of their working life; and can access a pension or protection alternatives in the event of an accident, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

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