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The ‘Festival ON’ for young people will begin on July 11 with an ‘Escape Room’ at the Botín Center


The ‘ON Festival’ for young people aged 16 to 25, which proposes new experiences through the arts such as cinema, dance, theatre, literature, music and visual arts, will be held on July 11 and 12 and will begin with a ‘Escape Room’ at the Botín Center.

Lucía Martínez and Paula Vera, from Escape the City (@escapethecityx), will guide attendees through a game of clues and riddles to learn about the most unknown aspects of the Fundación Botín art center in Santander.

The program, which aims for new generations to discover that the arts are a powerful tool to express themselves, know oneself, investigate and enhance their creativity, on this occasion has been designed by the Botín Center together with 16 young people, some of them participants in the previous edition.

Thus, other initiatives that will be developed are ‘Plastic Installation – Alfila de Silvia Bächli’, where participants will create an installation inspired by the exhibition ‘Score’ by the Swiss artist; or ‘Food and ping-pong’, where they will have lunch together and have time to play with the work of artist Nicolás Ortigosa.

Likewise, the ‘Audiovisual creation workshop – A question of perspective’ is offered for creating videos inspired by the proposals of Alma Tejada, student of Audiovisual Communication, and Gael San José, film director.

Other proposals are ‘Move to explore spaces’, where Isis Ronin and Lycan, creators and dancers from the Nexus Studio dance school, will be in charge of adding rhythm and movement to the festival in the Centro Botín amphitheater; and the poetic experience ‘What fits in a word’, inspired by Shilpa Gupta’s exhibition, ‘I also live under your sky’, where Ali A, Claudia Gutiérrez and Julio Doporto, members of the Poetry Slam Association of Santander, will be You guide them on this literary adventure.

In ‘Macht de Impro’ a theatrical improvisation workshop is offered with Iván Domínguez, graduate in Physical Theater of Movement, and Raquel Soto, graduate in Textual Interpretation; and in ‘We are a tribe’, together with Mario de Inocencio and Inés Pardo, from the Musiquea music school, the participants will make a collaborative musical creation that they will present in a performative finale. The young people will use various materials with which they will fill the Pereda Gardens with color and joy while showing their creation.

Those interested in participating can purchase their tickets through the Centro Botín website, free of charge, if they have the Centro Botín Young Friends card.

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