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Coté López responds to accusations from Luis Jiménez’s son

Coté López He held nothing back and responded to the accusations of his eldest son. ex-footballer Luis Jimenez, who accused her of intervening in the relationship of father and son, and forbidding him to see his sisters.

Through his Instagram account, he began by pointing out that, “First of all, I want to say that I was categorically opposed to entering this show without any sense. Diego feels that he was not defended when they “blamed him for our separation” by calling him the rotten apple believing that it was leaked by me, when a journalist said that, since they said that they were out of the loop with Luis.”

He added that, “Diego, instead of resolving this in private, laughed at the issue. If he had told Luis to speak, I can assure that Luis would have clarified it. With this I want to make it clear that he was never responsible for our separation.“I am 35 years old and Luis is 39, we are not children, we both hurt each other and we made the decision to separate.”

Regarding the various messages that he exposed Diego Jimenez and his ex-daughter-in-law Javiera Vidalmentioned that, “if messages now appear speaking badly about each other, it is obvious, we were angry. The day we decided to return in mid-March we were transparent with each other, whatever happened during the separation is not an issue.”

“Diego says not to let him come to the celebration of Jesus and someone wondered What did they do so seriously that I didn’t want to see them? Never in my life did I deny Luis from seeing Diego or Diego from seeing his sisters. I just eliminated him from my life and I have every right, due to gravity I will not upload what happened,” he clarified.

Likewise, she confessed that she asked Luis Jiménez, “not to go out riding with him (Diego) at night anymore doesn’t seem so terrible to me, since there is a role of father and another of son. But even I advertised for him to their program together because despite not wanting to know about him, he is someone that I have always loved (I always treated him like a son and not like a stepson) he will always be my husband’s son and my daughters’ brother.

However, despite the previous messages, Coté López assured that while they called her “the bad stepmother”, she gave countless things to Diego, Javiera and Luis Jiménez’s ex-partner.

Given this, he explained that “I gave them money to buy clothes for Valentino, for his birthday, this woman who they are killing without any sense because I have never spoken ill of them, being able to do so, is the one who I took care of Valentino when they disappeared for days on end(…) Valentino lives with Diego with Diego’s mother. Not with Javiera because Diego can be everything, but he is a good father. “I’m going to clarify something, Luis never stopped talking to Diego, or anything, they want to attack me.”

In relation to the statements of Javiera Vidal, who assured that Luis was a puppet of Coté López, he stated that “they want to attack me. Because when Javiera says that we are not friends, they told him a couple of stupid things and he lost his mind believing that It was me. You now have the fame you wanted so much, I hope you’re happy instead of trying to get dirty by leaking stupid things., They broke my daughters’ hearts and that is UNFORGIVEN.. And she broke Luis’s heart. Finally, what is painful is the betrayal and the ungratefulness.”

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