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The new job that Borja, brother of Begoña Villacís, was looking for and the unexpected role of Almeida after his death

The murder of Bojar Villacís, brother of Begoña Villacís, has shocked public opinion. A death that is being investigated by the National Police, but for the moment is linked to criminal history of the brother of the former Madrid politician.

His family was worried about the path he had taken, with a history of violence, racist insults and links to far-right ultra groups, from which Borja Villacís seemed to want to get out. At least that is the information they have revealed in ‘Public Mirror’. While waiting for official news in the case, and with his loved ones experiencing this mourning in privacy, another striking detail of this homicide has also been known.

Begoña Villacís, at an event at the Madrid City Council in 2022. (Gtres)

Regarding the new life that Borja Villacís wanted to start, Susanna Griso’s program has explained that The brother of the former politician wanted to turn his life around. Thus, without knowing what ‘official’ profession the murdered man was dedicated to, right now he would have been looking to get away from the world of crime. Therefore, according to the words of journalist Luis Fernando Durán in ‘Public Mirror’, Borja Villacís wanted to get some exams.

Specifically, the training to be able to be driver of the Madrid Metro. A job dream for which he was preparing in a specialized academy, as he himself would have already communicated to his family. A change of life that he would seek, according to the Antena 3 journalist, get out of the world of organized crime in which he was involved since his youth.

Begoña Villacís attends the intervention of Ciudadanos MEP, Adrián Vázquez, at the Europe Forum. (EFE/Chema Moya)

Without being able to fulfill this dream, after his murder in the area of ​​El Pardo in Madrid, he also Another new detail about the case has drawn attention. Although at first the identity of the deceased was publicly unknown, The police were able to verify it instantly, so it was quickly communicated to various official sources, until reaching the mayor of Madrid.

Thus, according to Luis Fernando Durán in ‘Public Mirror’, José Luis Martínez-Almeida was in charge of calling personally to Begoña Villacís to give her the terrible news. A complex case that remains open, in the so-called Operation Cage to find others involved, which has made the world of politics turn to messages of condolences for the former vice mayor of Madrid.

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