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How much are bills going to rise this month for each level of consumption?


Today the Government determined a new increase in gas and electricity bills for businesses, industries and homes that will be used entirely to reduce spending on subsidies. The Ministry of Energy also limited the maximum subsidized consumption that low and middle income households will have, as published today in the Official Gazette. Thus, Energy simplified the gas and electricity tariff scheme for the three levels of segmented households – high (N1), low (N2) and medium income (N3) – and distributed the cost of the subsidy cut among all users.

As detailed by the Ministry of Energy, the average value of the final invoices of gas be:

What concerns to electricityif average residential consumption of 260 kWh per month is considered, the average value of the final bills will be:

Users will pay an average price of US$3.29 per million BTU (English measurement used in the sector).

The average value of final gas bills for an N1 user with an average consumption of 149 m3 per month will go from $25,756 to $28,142 (9%); for an N2, with an average consumption of 159 m3, it will go from $15,638 to $20,797 (33%), and for an N3, with an average consumption of 171 m3, it will go from $24,465 to $26,865 (10%)EUROPA PRESS – EUROPA PRESS

Despite these increases, all residential users, households and industries will continue to receive subsidiessince the real cost of producing and importing gas throughout the year is approximately US$5.2 the million BTU.

Users N2 and N3 will have their consumption reduced up to a maximum volumewhich will be 350 kWh per month for low-income households (previously unlimited) and 250 kWh for medium-income households (previously 400 kWh per month).

If average residential consumption of 260 kWh per month is considered, the average value of the final electricity bills for an N1 will go from $24,710 to $30,355 (23%); for N2, from $6,295 to $12,545 (100%), and for N3, from $6,585 to $16,850 (156%).Shutterstock – Shutterstock

At public welfare entities, neighborhood and town clubsand other categories of similar non-profit users, the discounts will be applied to the price of gas and electricity corresponding to low-income residential users for the total volume consumed.

To cushion the increase, the Ministry of Economy ordered that again the rate increase that corresponded to the distribution and transportation companies is postponed gas and electricity.

The final value of the energy bills is made up of the cost of three services, plus the surcharge for national, provincial and municipal taxes and fees. There is the cost of generating electricity or producing gas, the cost of transporting the energy to consumption centers and the cost of distributing it to homes, businesses and industries.

The Ministry of Energy had established an automatic adjustment formula for distribution and transportation rates, which had to come into force in May. However, It was never applied because both last month and the current one, The Government postponed the increases.


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