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Tamaulipas Without DH Defender

Rogelio Rodríguez Mendoza

Cd. Victoria, Tam.-
The Human Rights Commission of the State of Tamaulipas (Codhet) completed 47 days without a head, after the six-year period for which Olivia Lemus had been elected as president expired on April 18.

Confidential sources from the same commission reveal that, although there is a person in charge of the office, the absence of a president is generating internal problems.

“There are situations of indiscipline because not all staff agree to be subordinate to someone who does not have a formal appointment as head,” explained one of the sources.

In that sense, 23 professionals registered as candidates for the presidency of Codhet, but the call to renew the advisory council of the same organization has not managed to meet even the minimum required.

Given this disdain for the position of Codhet advisor, the State Congress was forced to extend the respective call for the second time. The first invitation, issued on April 17, was valid until May 6.

Deadlines extended due to lack of records

However, given the lack of response, a first extension was approved, valid from May 7 to 29, with the same result.

As a result, the Governing Board decided to extend the dates for receiving registrations, establishing June 19 as the limit.

When consulted about this, several deputies agree that the contempt for the position of counselor is due to the fact that it is an honorary task.

The deputies must call each of the professionals for an interview to explain the reasons why they want to preside over the Codhet, however, no date has been set to restart the procedure.

Once the interviews conclude, it will be the Plenary Session of Congress that will determine which of the 23 candidates will preside over the body that defends the dignity of the Tamaulipas.

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