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10 tips to save electricity and gas at home

The government of Javier Milei has made official the details of the new subsidy scheme for electricity and natural gas rates, which will come into force in June. This measure will mainly affect the residential users middle- and low-income households, who will face significant increases in their bills.

The Resolution 92/2024 of the Ministry of Energy establishes that the Seasonal Energy Price (PEST) for the May-October period will be $57,214 per megawatt hour (MWh) for all residential users. These increases are especially relevant in a context where Energy consumption usually skyrockets during winter. Rates may vary significantly depending on the region and the pattern of available natural resources.

The increase in the first quarter, close to 350%, was due to increases in energy transportation and distribution, according to the Decree 465/2024. The Ministry of Energy will advance the proportion that users pay for the cost of generation, known as PEST for electricity and PIST for gas. This adjustment seeks to balance national finances and contribute to the deceleration of inflation, in a context where energy costs are higher.

Faced with this new scenario, there is the constant challenge of maintaining a balanced budgetwhich makes it increasingly important Optimize electricity and gas consumption at home.

  • Always turn off lights and appliances heating either refrigeration in rooms not in use.
  • Use lighting to led lights
  • Unplug all those unnecessary devices to avoid so-called vampire consumption.
  • Check that all the lights in the house are low consumptionespecially the ones that are most used. Keep them clean also influences, since When they are dirty or in poor condition they lose up to 50% of luminosity.
  • Check the energy efficiency label on appliances. Green or the letter A are the ones that spend the least. Those marked with red or the letter G consume the most and are the least efficient equipment.
  • Do not wash clothes several times At half load, it is preferable to combine clothes and do a single wash.
  • Choose the economic program that is shorter and consumes less energy.
  • In the case of the washing machine, you should use always cold watersince the hot one generates a consumption of 80% more energy.
  • The iron It consumes less electricity the longer it is used.
  • In times of home office, the computer has become one of the great contributions to the electricity bill, that is why It is important to turn it off when working hours end. Consumption in mode stand by represents up to 70% of the consumption in on mode, just like the video game consoles.
  • Turn off the pilots: Leaving the pilot lights on can represent up to 5% of the natural gas consumed in Argentina, which is why it is recommended turn them off on stoves and the heater when not in use.
  • Keep filters clean: Dirty filters make it difficult for air to pass through stoves and heating systems, which increases consumption.
  • Cook efficiently: Small changes in cooking habits can make a big difference in gas consumption. It is recommended Cover pots to reduce heat loss and cooking time. In addition, you can also take advantage of the residual heat by turning off the appliances a few minutes before the food is ready.
  • Regulate the heating: a temperature of 19°C It is comfortable and enough to keep you warm in winter.
  • Close the doors and windows from rooms that are not in use to avoid wasting energy from stoves.
  • Turn on the heating only in the rooms that are used: so as not to waste on consumption, They advise turning off the radiator valve. gas from unused rooms. Failure to do so will increase the expense and, consequently, the bill unnecessarily.
  • Control the water temperature: Regulate the water temperature directly from the water heater, hot water tank or boiler.
  • Avoid mixing cold water with hot water to reach the desired temperature.
  • Plan consumption: It is key to know how much each household appliance consumes to optimize its use.
  • Keep artifacts in good condition: Carry out Regular maintenance of your gas appliances to ensure their efficiency and prolong their useful life.


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