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World Environment Day 2024. Images and phrases to share on June 5

He World Environment Day Not only is it a significant date for activists and non-governmental organizations, but it also has growing importance for brands and companies globally.

In a context where consumers are increasingly aware and concerned about the environmental impact of their purchases, this day becomes a strategic opportunity for brands.

For brands, actively participating in World Environment Day allows them to reinforce their image of corporate social responsibility.

Companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainability and the environment earn the trust and loyalty of consumers, who increasingly value ethical and responsible business practices.

Green marketing

June 5 is a perfect occasion to launch green marketing campaigns, where brands can highlight their eco-friendly products, sustainable practices, and efforts to reduce their carbon footprint.

These types of campaigns not only increase brand visibility, but also educate consumers about the importance of adopting more responsible consumption habits.

Innovation and sustainability

Brands that join the celebration of World Environment Day usually promote innovation in their processes and products.

By adopting sustainable practices and developing innovative solutions to environmental problems, companies not only contribute to the well-being of the planet, but can also improve their operational efficiency and reduce costs in the long term.

Consumer engagement and loyalty

Today’s consumers look for brands that share their values ​​and concerns. By participating in environmental initiatives and transparently communicating their sustainable efforts, brands can generate greater engagement and strengthen customer loyalty.

Actions such as organizing events, planting trees, reducing the use of plastics and implementing recycling programs are well received by the public.

Differentiation in the market

In a highly competitive market, sustainability can be a key differentiating factor for brands. Those that lead by example and demonstrate a real commitment to the environment can stand out from their competitors. This positioning not only attracts conscious consumers, but also investors and business partners interested in collaborating with sustainable companies.

Why is it celebrated on June 5?

On June 5 he was chosen as the World Environment Day in commemoration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm in 1972.

During this conference, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)which is responsible for coordinating UN environmental activities and promoting international cooperation in this area.

Who created World Environment Day?

World Environment Day was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972.

The initiative arose as part of the decisions taken during the Stockholm Conference, with the aim of promoting environmental awareness at a global level and promoting government and individual action in favor of the environment.

What is the objective of World Environment Day?

The main objective of World Environment Day is to raise awareness among the world’s population about the importance of caring for the natural environment and taking measures to mitigate environmental problems.

This day serves as a platform to encourage community participation in activities that promote sustainability, the conservation of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity.

What is the origin of World Environment Day?

The origin of World Environment Day dates back to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972.

This conference marked a milestone in the history of environmental protection, as it was the first time that the international community met to comprehensively discuss environmental problems and their solutions. From this conference, the annual celebration of World Environment Day every June 5 was established.

What is the importance of the Environment for life?

The environment is essential for life on Earth. It provides the natural resources necessary for the survival of all species, including humans.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the materials we use to build our homes and manufacture goods come from the environment.


In addition, healthy ecosystems help regulate the climate, maintain biodiversity and provide ecological services that are essential for human well-being. Protecting the environment not only ensures the survival of species, but also the quality of life and the sustainability of the planet for future generations.

What is the motto of World Environment Day 2024?

This year’s motto is “Our lands. Our future”. This call to action focuses on the urgent need to restore terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification and strengthen resilience to drought.

Phrases for World Environment Day 2024

  • The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. Gandhi
  • Two things that catch my attention: the intelligence of beasts and the bestiality of men. Flora Tristan
  • Climate change is a terrible problem and needs to be solved. It deserves to be a high priority. Bill Gates
  • What we are doing to the world’s forests is a reflection of what we are doing to ourselves.
  • If I knew that the world was ending tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today. Martin Luther King
  • We will not have a society if we destroy the environment. Margaret Mead
  • You may be able to fool the voters, but not the atmosphere. Donella Meadwos
  • Plant a tree and you will sow awareness.
  • If we continue with governments that betray the environment, we will be committing environmental suicide. Mehmet Murat Ildan
  • The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet. JF Kennedy
  • The world will not survive much longer as a captive of humanity. Daniel Quinn
  • Do not ruin it. Good planets are hard to find.
  • Try to leave Earth a better place than it was when you arrived. Sidney Sheldon
  • We have learned that economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand. Christopher Dodd
  • Protecting the environment is not a luxury we can choose to enjoy, but a matter of survival.
  • What melody will our rivers remember if the birds forget how to sing?
  • The more we pollute the earth, the less we deserve to live on it. Mehmet Murat Ildan
  • It produces immense sadness to think that nature speaks while men do not listen. Victor Hugo
  • I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and in the environment. Pat Buckley
  • The only way, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to involve everyone. Richard Rogers
  • When the quality of life falls for the environment, it falls for the human being.
  • If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while counting your money.
  • Teaching to care for the environment is teaching to value life.


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