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How much will electricity and gas increase during this month?

Written in PRESENT he 5/6/2024 · 1:00 p.m.

The arrival of June does not bring good news when it comes to services. It happens that it was confirmed that there will be increases in the light and the gasthat is why the National Government communicated what the percentage of the increase will be for each one depending on consumption.

Through the winter seasonal program corresponding to the Seasonal Price of Electric Energy (PEST) and the Point of Entry to the Transportation System (PIST), the new values ​​in the service bills were determined. It is that since the beginning of the month of June that what will be the new increases.

In this sense, it was determined that the increases on the invoice light They are tied to consumption. That is why depending on the level (N1, N2, and N3) the percentage of increase will be. In this way, high incomes located in N1 will suffer an increase of 22.85%, for those with medium incomes N3 it will be 155.88% and those with low incomes classified as N2 will increase by 99.29%.

Taking this into account, there are prices established by segments. That is why N1 for high incomes, that is, the productive sectors of businesses or industries, will be between $56,019 and $59,298/kWh; N3 of average income will have a consumption that will start from $30,000/kWh; while N2 (low income) will start at $20,000/kWh.

In this way, based on the average consumption of 260 kWh per month, the increase of the light It will be under the following price structure: N1 (high income): the value will go from $24,710 to $30,355; N3 (average income): the amount will go from $6,585 to $16,850; N2 (low income): the bill will go from $6,295 to $12,545.

With regards to the increases on the invoice gas, there are also the same categories, so those with high N1 income will pay 3.30 USD/MMBTU. While those with medium income N3 will have a base consumption of 2.34 USD/MMBTU, and up to 3.30 USD/MMBTU. For their part, low-income N2 will have a base of 2.14 USD/MMBTU.

In this context, the values ​​in the tariff gas They will also be according to segmentation: N1, high income, with average consumption of 149 m³ will have a increase 9.27% ​​(from $25,756 to $28,142); those of N3 with an average of 171 m³, will be 9.81% (from $24,465 to $26,865); and finally low income with consumption of 159 m³ will be 32.98% (going from $15,638 to $20,797).

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