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Juan Ramón de la Fuente will coordinate the transition work between governments

From the Editorial

La Jornada Newspaper
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, p. 4

Juan Ramón de la Fuente will coordinate the transition work that will begin next week, confirmed the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.

In the morning, in an announcement to investors, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, who will continue as Secretary of Finance and Public Credit in the next government, announced the appointment, and Sheinbaum later confirmed it on social networks, by spreading a photo with De la Fuente, former rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, his Alma mater.

In a meeting with Dr. Juan Ramón de la Fuente, who is the coordinator of the Dialogues for Transformation, and whom I have asked to coordinate the transition work that will begin next weekwrote the winning candidate in the presidential elections.

De la Fuente was in charge of the Dialogues for Transformation, an interdisciplinary group of experts in different subjects, who led around 400 forums in which specialists and representatives of civil society participated, with the purpose of enriching the nation project of Sheinbaum.

The start of this work occurred in December, when the former head of the capital’s government was still a presidential candidate, and De la Fuente had stopped being Mexico’s representative to the UN.

He remained at the head of the team made up of, among others, Rosaura Ruiz and Omar García Harfuch, former secretaries of Education and Citizen Security in Mexico City; David Kershenobich, former president of the National Academy of Medicine; Julio Berdegué, former deputy director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the UN agency for Food and Agriculture. Likewise, retired ministers Arturo Zaldívar and Olga Sánchez Cordero, Gerardo Esquivel, former deputy governor of the Bank of Mexico; Jorge Islas Samperio, researcher in the energy sector; Lorenzo Meyer, historian and academic; Altagracia Gómez, businesswoman; Violeta Vázquez Rojas, linguist.

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