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Juan Ramón de la Fuente: “Transition will be orderly and harmonious”

This Tuesday, June 4, the virtual president, Claudia Sheinbaum announced through his social networks that Juan Ramon de la Fuente would be the coordinator of the transition team with the president’s outgoing administration Andrés Manuel López Obrador and whose work begins the following week.

About, Juan Ramon de la Fuente He said that the transition will be sought to be orderly and not generate “unfounded fears” or rumors, since the entire process is intended to be harmonious.

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Juan Ramón de la Fuente will be coordinator of Claudia Sheinbaum’s transition team

It’s Claudia

The idea is that it has a very clear margin and that it has fundamental axes. It will be a harmonious process.

In interview with Sergio Sarmiento and Lupita Juarez by Radio Heraldwhich is broadcast on the 98.5 FM frequency, Juan Ramón de la Fuente commented that in the old regime, these types of processes occurred in the midst of ruptures and confrontations, actions that they will seek to avoid: “on the contrary, there must be this harmony and this clarity.”

“We are going to maintain dialogue at all times, especially at this time” Credits: Twitter

We are going to have as a frame of reference, the rule of law, but the current government has four months ahead of it and is its responsibility. We have to be careful so that this government that is concluding does so and on the best possible terms.

The coordinator of the transition team indicated that a specialized team will be formed, based on the models used during the transformation dialogues. This team will be in charge of addressing various thematic axes and will work in close collaboration with those responsible for the different sectors.

Dialogue as the main axis

De la Fuente reaffirmed the next administration’s commitment to dialogue and openness towards those who did not support the winning candidacy. He highlighted the importance of maintaining open communication channels and seeking conciliation even in times of political polarization.

He also said that the new transition team will also have the task of preparing optimal conditions so that the next government can begin its administration effectively on October 1. De la Fuente acknowledged the complexity of the internal and external challenges the incoming administration will face, but expressed confidence in the team’s ability to overcome them.


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