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Volleyball: Argentina lost against the United States by 3 to 0 | 0264News

Wednesday June 5, 2024

The Argentine volleyball team faced the United States 3-0 in Week 2 of the VNL in Ottawa. The partials of 25-23, 25-21 and 26-24. And, Bruno Lima was the top scorer with 15 points.

The match started evenly with Argentina involved in the match. With a good round of serves from Bruno Lima that started with an ace, Marcelo Méndez’s team went ahead 9-5 with good counterattack play, which forced the American technical timeout. The United States tied at 11 with two blocks after a poor Argentine reception, but with another block from Agustín Loser the national team took a 13-11 lead. The North American team tied, but two errors in the North American team gave Argentina a two-point advantage, which reached the final stretch 20-17. The United States got closer to 20-19 and took a 23-22 lead at the end of the set with a block by Aaron Russel and closed the set 25-23.

The second set began with a 7-4 advantage for the USA, which as the set went by increased the difference to seven at 15-8. Ezequiel Palacios stayed as a starter in the second set and helped in attack. The albiceleste team came close at 16-12, but the American team reached the final stretch by 20-15 to win the partial 25-21.

In the third set, the United States started 7-4 ahead, but Méndez’s team improved and turned it around 8-7. The North American team once again made a difference of three with Argentina with difficulties to add in the counterattack, although at 19-18 they came closer with a block by Nicolás Zerba. In the final stretch things were tied at 24-all but finally the North American team closed the game 26-24.

This Thursday, Marcelo Méndez’s team will face Canada from 9 p.m. in the second game of Week 2.

Argentina: L. De Cecco (1), B. Lima (15), A. Loser (7), N. Zerba (8), L. Vicentín (-), L. Palonsky (3). Libero: S. Danani. Entered: M. Sánchez (-), P. Kukartsev (1), F. Conte (6), Ezequiel Palacios (7)


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