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Ximena Aguilera refers to cases of Streptococcus Pyogenes

During a visit this morning to the Critical Patient Unit of the Calvo Mackenna Hospital in the commune of Providencia, the Minister of Health, Ximena Aguilera, was consulted regarding the infection of Streptococcus pyogenes -nicknamed “killer bacteria”- which has been linked to cases of deaths in the Ñuble Region due to coinfection with influenza.

A few days ago, the Minsal provided instructions to deal with deaths from this bacteria so that health centers are on alert for its detection. On the subject, Aguilera explained that “This can occur not only in the case of influenza infection, but also in other respiratory conditions.” by other viruses in which there may be added superinfection with bacteria”.

In this case, he indicated, the Streptococcus pyogenesIt is a particularly aggressive bacteria”, detailing that the increase in cases of contagion “are situations that have also been seen in other places in the world.”

“That is why we also issued a public alert so that doctors, health teams who are providing care in emergency services, in primary care, in hospitals, have this more heightened suspicion, and if a child has a respiratory condition which at first seems viral but comes back and instead of getting better it begins to get complicated, there We must begin to suspect – and quickly suspect – that there may be a bacterial infection”, he detailed.

Minister Aguilera and cases of Streptococcus Pyogenes: “It is a very aggressive bacteria, it is a situation that worries us” Photo. Europa Press

Regarding how to treat the infection caused by this bacteria, he expressed that he has “a good response to antibiotics if they are delivered in a timely manner.”

“Therefore, the most important thing in our message is precisely to alert the public and private network in order to have this more induced suspicion regarding what is circulating,” he continued. The ISP updated the reports regarding bacterial surveillance, which are available, “so that clinicians have this suspicious behavior and also parents, in the sense of if they see that the child is not improving, consult again and insist in which he is evaluated to start early treatment,” he said.

Asked about the figures and forms of contagion, the Secretary of State highlighted that “Since the end of last year there has been an increase in the detection of this bacteria.”

“They are common bacteria that one normally has, carry in the nasopharynx, and in some circumstances subtypes of these bacteria appear that are more aggressive. The bacteria can be acquired through respiratory secretions,” he said.

Having the bacteria does not necessarily mean that the person will develop a serious clinical condition, but what normally happens is that the person may have influenza or another respiratory virus “and that produces a deficit in immunity, and then the bacteria attacks and produces this more serious condition.”

“The numbers are higher than what we had last year… if I remember correctly, we had around 190 strains at the Public Health Institute and this year we already have around 130 or 160. Indeed it is a situation that worries us”he added.

As for whether there are cases in the country of people who have died as a result of this infection, the minister indicated yes. “Indeed, there are children who have had symptoms that started with influenza and who have been over-infected with the bacteria, and the bacteria is what has caused a condition that is fulminant.”

This situation, detailed “It is actually being audited. Each of those pictures in which this circumstance has occurred because they certainly shock, So we subject them to a special investigation and we are going to make that known now that the audits are finishing.”

“But indeed Yes, children have been detected with respiratory symptoms that have worsened with bacterial superinfection. Fortunately not all died. (…) the health authority has to investigate the cases to effectively identify the contacts and also actions to do with them and that is being done,” he expressed.

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