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Scandal over an app created by Connie Ansaldi that offers emotional help

In the City of Buenos Aires there are thousands of people who do some type of therapy weekly. But in Up Argentines showed the controversy that has just been unleashed by an application created by Connie Ansaldi that offers psychological assistance based on artificial intelligence.

“What happens if you have to do therapy through an app with artificial intelligence?”presented Valeria Sampedro, and then showed the report of Telenight.

“Trenque Lauquen, in western Buenos Aires, became the headquarters of a controversial experiment. The local government hired an application that offers emotional help provided exclusively through artificial intelligence. Today you can use it for free for three days, but when the free trial runs out, the government of Trenque Lauquen makes it available to you along with Cux”explains the report, referring to an app created by Connie Ansaldi.

And he continued: “The contract between Connie Ansaldi and the Trenque Lauquen government lasted three months and the application Cux I couldn’t renew. However, Faced with the wave of questions from several colleges of psychologists, the municipality chose to cancel the Cux”, and then make a sample of how the app works, where a bot answers the problems and anxieties that users send it.

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The opinion of an expert

And then, they interviewed Gregorio Alcaín, a psychiatrist, to find out his opinion: “Technological advance is never bad, what you do with it can always be bad, but you always have to accept it as something productive. Then, I have my own restrictions on this because I consider that The doctor-patient relationship is something practically impossible to change. It does not mean that a machine does not serve us well to provide information, to provide another approach, which is totally favorable,” the expert began by stating.

Controversy over the tool. Image capture from the video uploaded by Arriba Argentinos.By: Image capture from the video uploaded by Arriba Argentinos

And he continued: “But this app does not present, let’s say, medical papers or anything like that. Interact as if you were a psychologist or psychiatrist. So, this is what we are asking you. I wouldn’t do it with a machine because I need a human being in front of me, who understands my soul, who understands my feeling, my problem, my problems, my anguish, my existence.. In other words, someone containing me by being a machine is of no use to me,” she expressed.

Controversy over the application.

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