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Environment Day: La Araucanía authorities plant maitenes and myrtle trees in Langdon Park

Within the framework of Environment Day, the Mayor of Temuco Roberto Neira, the Seremi of the Environment Félix Contreras, the Director of CONAF María Teresa Huentequeo together with leaders of the Governance Board of Langdon Park and students from the Development High School and school Sta. María de la Rivera, planted maitenes and myrtle trees to enrich the green lung of Temuco.

The mayor of Temuco Roberto Neira indicated, “very happy because this alliance with the Seremi del Medio Ambiente, with CONAF, allows us to receive native trees that we distribute in our network of urban parks, which is a network that has around 10 parks distributed throughout the city. We are today in Langdon Park, which was a park that was very complicated when we arrived, and today it is the second park in Chile that has a governance table, which is carried out by the neighbors themselves, the neighborhood associations and groups themselves. , and they give life to this park, and so we have also made the decision together with them to plant native trees, and for that we thank CONAF for donating this amount to us, there will be 50 trees here in Langdon Park, 100 in the Isla Cautín Park, and the others we are going to distribute in different places in the city.”

It should be remembered that in 1972 the first major conference on environmental issues was held, known as the Conference on the Human Environment, or Stockholm Conference. That same year, the General Assembly adopted a resolution designating June 5 as World Environment Day and urging “Governments and organizations of the United Nations system to undertake on that day of each year activities throughout the world that reaffirm their concern for the preservation and improvement of the environment, with a view to deepening environmental awareness.

In this sense, the Seremi of the Environment Félix Contreras highlighted, “planting trees, restoring, especially with native species, impacts and contributes directly to one of the measures that we have here in Temuco and Padre Las Casas, which is the Decontamination Plan. .”

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