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INTI workers claim for dismissals

Faced with the announcement of the 30% reduction of the plant and the closure of the INTI headquarters, workers staged a protest against General Paz. They were evicted.

Workers of the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) planned to hug the building this morning due to the announcement of the layoffs that will affect 30% of the staff. Mobilization and repression.

Under the motto “without INTI there is no national productive development project,” employees of the organization mobilized this Wednesday. They were blocking the General Paz highway when infantry personnel began to push the workers and members of the City Police joined in.

We repudiate repression carried out by the City Police against INTI workers in General Paz. Enough of repressing the right to protest, Jorge Macri is also complicit in this adjustment and repression policy,” denounces ATE Capital.

The National Institute of Industrial Technology started this week surrounded by police officers from the Province of Buenos Aires, sent by the Production Secretariat, after they announced the closure of the regional headquarters.

Daniel Afione, president of the organization, had made it public last Friday and, in addition, announced the closure of the extension units that also exist throughout the interior of the country and that affects dozens of employees.

Giselle Santana, delegate of the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA) in INTI, confirmed that “many were informed that they had the option of moving hundreds of kilometers from where they live, to go to work or request voluntary retirement” because his workplace ceased to exist.

In addition to the interior employees, This measure applies to those workers who are monotributists and who have already been confirmed that “they will not continue” with their tasks..

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