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Share Foundation: Let’s cultivate horizontality and diversity

Within the framework of Day of cultural diversitycelebrated the past May 21thovercome the division between cultures is urgent and necessary for the peacethe stability and the developmentwhich has intrinsic value for both development and social cohesionaccording to the United Nations Organization (UN).

Since 11 yearsin Mexico, Indonesia and USA, the Share Foundation has worked. Non-profit organization, which is dedicated to bringing together people from different contexts and cultures so that they learn to appreciate their differences and challenge their prejudices through interpersonal relationships.

It also modifies the conditions of contact in asymmetric societies so that their members can support each other in a collaborative way. Compartir is a pioneer of teaching cultural diversity in these three countries, since, since 2013Colaborate with 46 allied organizations from different areas to strengthen relationships between members of their local communities.

Share Foundation, offers training and business orientationso that your collaborators can experience an environment of zero discrimination and inclusion of diversity. Work to improve the business environment. They offer companies the knowledge, tools and experiences to embrace diversity through services such as: guided conversations, team meeting, business volunteering and certification program.

Share ensures that the Companies with greater diversity have higher innovation income than others, have higher financial performance, more opportunities to capture new marketsand even an increase in profits of 0.8% for every 10% increase in diversity.

The organization also works in the education sector. This focuses on train and equip teachers to promote a caring and inclusive society. Share offers educational organizations the knowledge, tools and experiences to embrace diversity, through services such as: meetings for children and young people, workshops for mothers and fathers, teacher training and certification programs.

Another sector in which it works is in the community organizations; where They cultivate horizontality through supportive community workshops. They offer the same tools and knowledge, but with a community focus, serving with Guided conversations, team meetings, collaborative project workshops and certification programs.

Share Foundation, has the objective that the people and communities develop skills of empathy, mutual support and collaboration to combat prejudice and discrimination. By impacting these three sectors, they manage to develop and cover more space in search of diverse acceptance of people’s culture. So far, more than 300,000 peopleand, recently, in 2023, 90% of the people who participated claimed to have become aware of their prejudices towards others.

According to the UNhe March 1st also celebrated Zero Discrimination Dayhighlighting the urgent need to act to end inequalities in all their dimensions, so that all people enjoy rights and opportunities, in human settlements fair, safe, healthy, affordable, accessible, resilient and sustainable.

It also ensures that this is a job for all people, governments, academies and organizations, such as the Share Foundation, which continues its work in favor of diversity and horizontality.

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