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Impossible not to cry! Mariana Rodríguez shares the emotional adoption of the boy Emilio

Emilio he is a very child loved by Mariana Rodríguez and for the citizens of Monterrey by stealing hearts with his charisma, and now life smiled at him by sending him a new family with whom he feels loved again after being adopted from the DIF Capullos.

Mariana announced during her campaign that Emilio had finally been adopted by a great familyafter several attempts to adopt him, but upon learning of his medical diagnosis they gave up their interest.

Mariana cries when the day of the adoption arrives. Photo: Social networks

The emotional moment when the boy met his new mom and dad for the first time It was published in a video on the social networks of the wife of the governor of Nuevo León and for many it was impossible not to shed a tear.

The also influencer explained that a friend told her that she went to the sanctuary of the “Virgen Desatanudos” in Chipinque and He asked to please place a ribbon with the intention of requesting a family for Emilio.

Days after The friend told her that she had dreamed that she was adopting Emilio and that was what she wanted to do. in real life; However, Mariana was somewhat skeptical, since Several families also showed interest, but upon seeing the child’s disability they finally backed out.

The couple was channeled to the adoption area and, after completing the necessary procedures, where the family was evaluated, The friend and her husband said “yes” to adopting Emiliowho is now much loved.

The day of adoption

“Who are you going to live with today?” Mariana asked Emilio, “With mom and dad,” the boy answered, that was the first conversation that Mariana Rodríguez shared about the day of the adoption.

“Today is a day we have been waiting for a long timea day that we saw so far away and that on all of Emilio’s birthdays and when we could make wishes I always asked God to give him a family for him.

“Again they I am grateful to open the doors of your house and your heart“But above all, having an openness to disability also scares many of us, it scares us, but we know that love transforms lives and diagnoses too,” he said with a broken voice.

Emilio walked into the room amidst applause and where his new family was waiting for him with open arms, and today he feels that love of mom and dad again.

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