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Putin says he does not expect a Trump presidency to lead to a change in Russia policy

SAINT PETERSBURG, Russia, June 5 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he does not expect major changes in U.S. policy toward Russia if Donald Trump wins the presidency in November, but did not rule out a change in mentality.

Speaking to media editors at an economic forum in St. Petersburg, Putin said Moscow does not care who won, while accusing Joe Biden’s government of making mistake after mistake and “setting fire” to the political system. and America’s global leadership.

“Basically, we don’t care (who wins),” he said when asked - whether he thought the outcome of the US election would make a difference for Moscow.

Calling Biden a predictable, old-school politician, he said Moscow would work with whoever won and would not meddle in American domestic politics.

“We have never had any special ties with Mr. Trump, but the fact is that as president he began to impose massive sanctions on Russia, he withdrew from the treaty on intermediate and shorter range missiles,” Putin said.

“To say – I speak with all sincerity – that we believe that after the elections something will change towards Russia in American politics, I wouldn’t say that. We don’t believe it. We believe that nothing really serious will happen.” (Reporting from Reuters, written by Andrew Osborn; Edited in Spanish by Héctor Espinoza)


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