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Susana Zabaleta and her boyfriend Ricardo Pérez, 30 years younger than her, show off photos of their romantic trip

Although at first Susana Zabaleta and her boyfriend, the youtuber Ricardo Perez They tried to keep their romance almost a secret, now they show it off to the four winds and through their networks they shared moments in which they look very much in love.

The singer and actress, 30 years older than the content creator, posted a video that contains photos with Ricardo from a trip they took together; The couple met during the recordings of the HBO program “Divine Food” in December 2023.

Since then, the chemistry has been increasing, the laughter and chatter between them seems to be one of the elements that have united them as a couple amidst congratulations from fans and some criticism for the age difference.

Something that Zabaleta jokes about, who often shares videos and memes about “collagen”, a term that is usually used when a woman’s partner is several years younger than her.

Read also: Susana Zabaleta boasts for the first time her romance with Ricardo Pérez, from “La Cotorrisa”, with a tender photograph

The photos in which Susana Zabaleta appears smiling and hugging with Ricardo Pérez, with the conductor of “La cotorrisa”, caused several dozen fans to dedicate messages to the love-loving couple.

“He did fulfill his dream of being with his crush.” “Age is just numbers, attraction is mental, where 2 souls merge.” “Oh nooooo, I love this couple so much.” “I feel like it makes you feel like a little girl protected and supported.” “What a joy that you are so loved and that you can love beautifully,
You look beautiful!” “I can’t stand so much love and I love it, take it to the moon for my beautiful parrot. “They look amazing!” she reads.

Ricardo Pérez and Susana Zabaleta enjoy their love and share it on networks.

Ricardo Pérez and Susana Zabaleta on a romantic trip. Photos: Instagram

On May 10, during a “Grandiosas” concert in which Zabaleta, a mother of two children, participated, Ricardo Pérez appeared on stage and the couple kissed on the lips in front of the audience, unleashing overwhelming euphoria.


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