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More than 1,500 students participated in the Master Class for Environment Day – Municipality of Comodoro Rivadavia

The event took place at the Cultural Center and was broadcast on YouTube. More than 1,500 secondary level students, belonging to 20 school institutions in the city, participated in the activity.

The Cultural Center auditorium was the scene this Wednesday of a Master Class that was held within the framework of World Environment Day. The activity was organized by the Undersecretary of Environment of the Municipality of Comodoro and the topics addressed were: “Water management in the city. Methods of obtaining the resource and generalities”, “Evaluation of the impact and environmental control in the industry”, “Climate change, what it is and how to contribute to mitigating it”, “Green Infrastructure” and “Let’s talk about environmental liabilities – The oil footprint ”.

The event was attended by Mayor Othar Macharashvili; the Secretary of Infrastructure, Luis Romero; the Secretary of Government, Sergio Bohe; and the Undersecretary of the Environment, Nicolás Coluccio; among other authorities.

In this framework, Macharasvhvili highlighted the importance of having this type of spaces to debate and raise awareness in the community about caring for the environment. In that sense, he considered that “today there is an awareness that we must take care of the environment together. That is to say, the responsibility lies with each of us to live better in this time and for the generations to come.”

Following this line, the communal chief highlighted that it is very important to work on environmental liabilities, saying that “today we are at a time where the Comodoro deposits, YPF and other companies, are being sold and must have an environmental certificate when leave those areas.”

“The liabilities that these operations generated,” he added, “are the ones that we must quantify and see how they impact. It is very important to highlight that transaction operations cannot be carried out without the environmental certificate.”

For his part, the Secretary of Infrastructure, Luis Romero, remarked that these types of talks “are very enriching, both for the children, as well as for us and the community because it was also broadcast live and the participation has been spectacular.”

“I think they will also take a lot of important data home. That is why we are going to continue with this type of activities throughout the mayor’s administration because it seems more than relevant to us,” he considered.

Along these lines, the Undersecretary of Environment, Nicolás Coluccio, explained that this Master Class was carried out within the framework of the activities of the Environment in Schools program. In that sense, he confirmed that in this first semester more than 2,200 children from different establishments in the city passed through.

“The Undersecretary, along with her entire team, is going to schools, carrying the environmental message and it is you – for the students – who are going to continue with the message in your homes and with your peers, to generate the change that we have. “What to do because the planet is only one and we all have to take care of it,” he stated, inviting the students to be multiplying agents of this type of issues.

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