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For Darío Martínez, gas will increase by 600% despite the continuity of the Cold Zone

The provincial deputy of the Frente de Todos and former Secretary of Energy, Darío Martínez, spoke regarding the imminent increase in gas and said that Although the benefits of “cold zone“will remain in force, gas bills will arrive with an increase of around 600%.

In dialogue with “FM Andina” the legislator explained that, although the cold zone maintains important subsidies, the increase in gas rates cannot be avoided and assured that The magnitude of the increase will far exceed the evolution of salarieswhich could trigger further economic recession.

Darío Martínez. Source: (Facebook).

The former Secretary of Energy said that the tariff will be very strong and will make people stop consuming other goods and services to be able to pay for gas.

Furthermore, he explained that the impact of this increase will be seen especially in the Patagonia areawhere low temperatures increase the demand for gas both for residential heating and for commercial and industrial activities.

Gas bill. Source: (X).

“A baker who uses a gas oven will have to decide whether to fire an employee or pay the gas bill”exemplified the now provincial deputy.

Furthermore, the deputy anticipated that not only gas will suffer increases, but also electricity, with increases of around 350%. However, he explained that the impact on electricity bills will be less evident.

The increase will be of the order of 600%. Source: (Facebook).

Finally, beyond the continuity of the cold zoneMartínez warned of the broader economic consequences of the increase in gas rates and predicted a drop in turnover and consumption, which will result in a recession that will seriously affect families and businesses throughout the country.

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