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Concern in Vélez about the situation of Ricardo Centurión: “We haven’t heard from him for ten days”


Almost a month after it was confirmed that Ricardo Centurion will not continue as Vélez player, Fabián Berlanga, president of the institution, broke the silence and confessed that for several days neither he nor anyone from the club has heard from the footballer. “The situation with him “It became very difficult.”he expressed.

“He cut off communication with us. It is very sad because we put everything at his disposal,” Berlanga revealed on Radio La Red and finished with a confession that worried everyone in the world of football: “It’s been a week, almost ten days, since we have had any information about Ricardo Centurión. We don’t know anything about him, he disappeared overnight”.

Additionally, the president spoke on CNN Radio and explained that the player’s pass still belongs to Vélez: “He stopped coming to train and chat with the professionals who were accompanying him. Quinteros had a talk. He has a contract until the end of the year, but that is the least important thing to me.”

On the other hand, Berlanga explained why Ricardo Centurión had few minutes as a Fortín player: “We know that the days before, when there is a possibility of a call-up, have something like panic attacksto call it that. I’m not a doctor to say it, but it’s the feeling, getting out of the game, because it’s something that after so much time also generates a physical issue for him.”

Finally, he left a message of support for the player: “It will depend on him, we are in the back, we try to pamper him and make him feel good and comfortable”. “There is a professional who specializes in the matter to guide you and help you get out of this issue, which is very complicated,” the president concluded.

The former Boca and Racing player, among other teams, has not played an official match since April 16, 2023, when, defending the Barracas Central shirt, he faced Vélez. Since then he did not have minutes again and, even when he returned to the Liniers team, Centurión asked to leave the club.

Currently, the 31-year-old footballer’s pass belongs to Vélez, while Centurión look for a new club. However, in Vélez they offered to give him the necessary tools to return to his level. Coach Gustavo Quinteros expressed his hope that the player recovers and prepared to help him.


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