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Peru on alert for monkeypox: ways of contagion, symptoms and everything we know about this disease

08/05/2022 August 5, 2022, LIMA, PERU: person hospitalized with monkeypox at the Cayetano Heredia hospital SOCIEDAD Europa Press/Contact/Hugo Curotto

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) continues to view with concern the detected cases of monkeypox in Peru. Recently, the first confirmed case of 2024 was reported in the Piura region. This region had not reported infections for two years and today two more probable cases are being evaluated.

Edward Pozohead of the Epidemiology Department of the Regional Health Directorate of said region, pointed out that the patient is a 36-year-old woman who has not presented any complications so far and has been being treated at the Santa Rosa Hospital.

According to Minsa Situation Roomso far they add 33 cases of monkeypox detected nationwide, The Lima region being the most affected with 70% of the patients it concentrates. According to the entity, there are 23 cases in the province of Huarochirí.

At the Metropolitan Lima level, the district of San Martín de Porres is the one with the highest number of infected people with five confirmed cases to date. Los Olivos follows with three cases, and with two cases each the districts of Rímac, Ate, Comas and Chorrillos. Surquillo, Miraflores, San Miguel, Cercado de Lima, San Juan de Lurigancho and El Agustino report one case each.

According to what was mentioned by the epidemiology specialistmonkeypox is spread through the secretions of an infected individual, direct physical contact (whether sexual or not), sharing contaminated objects, or accidental splashing of saliva when coughing or talking.

In a previous interview with Andean Agency, The infectious disease doctor from the National Institute of Health (INS), Luis Pampa, pointed out that the disease has two periods: The first is asymptomatic and consists of the incubation phase, where the virus reproduces for 21 days, but does not manifest any symptoms. The second period is symptomatic, where due to the invasion of the virus the patient manifests symptoms.

The first symptoms that appear in those infected are fever, headache, muscle pain, back pain, lack of energy and swollen glands (lymph nodes), as well as skin rashes all over the body. The latter can last between 2 to 4 weeks.

Symptoms of complications in monkeypox include larger, more widespread lesions (especially in the mouth, eyes, and genitals), secondary bacterial infections of the skin or blood, and lung infections.

Complications of monkeypox can include severe bacterial infections related to skin lesions, which can affect the brain (encephalitis), heart (myocarditis), or lungs (pneumonia), as well as causing eye problems.

Regarding vulnerable ages, the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that monkeypox does not discriminate against gender, age or place of residence. However, young children and people with underlying immunodeficiencyare at higher risk of experiencing serious complications.

Monkeypox currently has 33 confirmed patients nationwide and 23 of them were registered in Lima. (Photo: Composition – Infobae/Renato Silva)

Unlike dengue, the disease is new in Peru. The first case was detected in mid-2022, and in just one month the registered cases were around 50 infections and these were concentrated in Lima. That year, the total number of infections amounted to approximately 4,000 and five deaths.

In November of that year, the Minsa arranged the arrival of the first batch of “Jynneos” vaccines from the Danish laboratory Bavarian Nordic, giving priority in vaccination to people with HIV due to their greater vulnerability to developing serious cases.

To find out about vaccination against monkeypox for 2024, you can contact the Minsa through Line 113 Salud, from any landline or cell phone operator nationwide. You can also write by WhatsApp or Telegram to telephone numbers 955557000 or 952842623. Or send an email to [email protected].

Marco Almerí, specialist in Public Health, indicated in Successful News that infected people should go to the nearest hospital so that specialized doctors can clean the lesions, as well as prescribe some medications to control symptoms such as paracetamol for fever, analgesics for pain, among others.

He also indicated that in Peru there is no specific treatment to directly deal with monkeypox. The treatments that exist are applied in European countries.

The Minsa recommends the following preventive measures To avoid possible infections:

– Avoid physical contact, including sexual contact, with people who have rashes, blisters or scabs that could correspond to this disease.

– Avoid skin-to-skin contact, including sexual contact, in places such as nightclubs, saunas and private parties.

– Reduce the number of casual sexual partners.

– Stay home until the scabs from the lesions fall off, and keep them covered with gauze to avoid infections.

– Wear masks to avoid contagion from saliva droplets.

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