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Piura: first case of monkeypox recorded in the year | PERU

He Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced the first case of monkeypox in Piura. In this regard, Edward Pozo, head of the Epidemiology Department of the Regional Health Directorate of said region, clarified that this is the first confirmed case this year, since in 2022 there have already been cases.

Regarding the case, he said that it was a 36-year-old woman, who was already treated at the Santa Rosa Hospital and has not had any complications.

“The investigation has been carried out based on this case, the brigades of the Regional Health Directorate have spoken with the patient”he told Canal N.

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He added that, as a result, two more probable cases have been identified, but they are awaiting the results to determine if it would be monkeypox.

Regarding the spread of this disease, he commented that “it is direct, through very close contact.” Previous tests detailed that 99% of infections It occurred sexually, so it is recommended to take the necessary precautions.

“If you suspect you have monkeypox, go immediately to health facilities,” Pozo exhorted the population.

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As indicated by the National Center for Epidemiology, Disease Prevention and Control – CDC Minsa33 cases have been registered.

The regions where there has been an important trend are the regions of Callao, Huánuco, La Libertad, Lima and Piura.

“In Callao there are 5 reported cases, in Huánuco 1 case, in La Libertad 3 cases of seismic smallpox, in Lima 23 cases and in Piura There is only one reported case”, isaid the Public Health specialist and former secretary of the Piura Medical College, Julio Barrena Dioses.

“The disease was born in the country in 2022 and that year we had a large number of cases. In the country, 3,697 cases of monkeypox and 20 deaths were reported. In 2022, Piura reported 52 cases and in 2023 no cases,” he detailed.

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