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Connie Ansaldi presented a mental health application, generated a strong controversy and had to come out to defend herself


The creation by Connie Ansaldi of an application that offers psychological assistance based on artificial intelligence (AI) generated strong controversy which included strong criticism of the host for addressing such a sensitive topic in this way. The criticism led the panelist to defend herself and have to clarify the foundations of her project, “a technology company focused on emotional health called “CUX”.

“Since they are talking without knowing (for a change), here I tell those who are interested in the truth how and why CUX was born. For those who don’t, there is no way to convince them. For four years I have dedicated all my Mondays to listening to people and giving them a space for containment and support because I realized, long before it was fashionable, that emotional health was a problem that had to be looked at. The global statistics speak for themselves,” he stated.

The news came to light from a report issued in Telenight, the Channel 13 newscast, where they talked about the technological tool created by the panelist and its hiring by a municipal government. Its dissemination and viralization on social networks earned it a wide range of criticism, in particular, from figures linked to the world of journalism and entertainment.

The most critical comments were due to the fact that, in the television report, they specified that the Buenos Aires municipality of Trenque Lauquen had contracted the services of the application in question as part of its policies dedicated to the prevention of mental health.

On this particular point, Ansaldi assured that “Companies that can change the world, as is the purpose of CUX, must be sustainable. That is why we wanted to work with governments so that they have a low-cost tool and high penetration for the population since today 85% have access to nothing.” “I believe that changes occur when structures are committed. Unfortunately, things like this happen in Argentina,” he added.

In that sense, the creator of the proposal assured that what happened with the district located in the west of the province of Buenos Aires It was a three-month pilot test “before he took over [el presidente] Milei”. “I mean, it was the previous government, because we were interested in helping them combat what was happening to them in the city with emotional health in the city.”

According to him, the contract for that time had a cost of $1,900,000 and he noted that this amount “does not even cover the travel expenses paid to any singer in a recital.” “While it helped a lot of people, it could have helped a lot more. if they had not been afraid of OH! This is exactly what is happening now! CUX is being awarded all over the world. They recognize me and our team in countries that you can’t even imagine. I won 80% of the contests I entered. I work 15 hours a day, seven days a week for an impact startup,” she detailed.

Meanwhile, Ansaldi clarified, “CUX does not provide diagnosis or treatment, nor does it share third-party data.”. In that context, he continued his defense and, in reference to her detractors, considered that “they should be ashamed of harassing an Argentine entrepreneur who only seeks to change things and, more so, coming from people who have never done anything for anyone.” ”.

“Despite everything, I still believe in people. The day I no longer believe, what I do will no longer make sense,” he closed the story on him.


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