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“There is more awareness in Japan that if something happens in Taiwan we cannot stand by and do nothing”

In a very didactic presentation and in which he clarified that his statements would be personal and not on behalf of the Government of JapanThe Embassador Takahiro Nakamae was especially clear about his country’s security challenges in the current context of the alliance between Russia and China.

The Japanese diplomat, with a fairly fluent Spanish, explained at the headquarters of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation that “the subsequent era of the cold war is marking its end with new global challenges” and recalled that the war of invasion of Russia to Ukraine “It is not a regional war but has a global implication.”

«Russia “is trampling on the principles of international law and has shaken the foundations of the international order” United Nations and even “threatens to use nuclear weapons [cuestión que no sucede] since its last use 79 years ago,” he noted. Nakamae.

Takahiro Nakamae, Japanese ambassador to Spain, at the Ortega Marañón FoundationThe debate

The Japanese ambassador, who before disembarking in Madrid In 2022, he was heading the diplomatic delegation in Buenos Airesnoted that “emerging countries, including Chinais causing a change in power relations and some are developing their military forces quickly and with little transparency.

Nakamae He explained that “a world of interrelation between confrontation, competition and cooperation will define international relations” and that “maritime order is increasingly important.”

Japan depends 90% on oil imports from the Middle East

In this sense, the experienced diplomat recalled that “in the South China Sea There is a pending issue to be defined in accordance with international law, but China “He thinks differently and has put 9 broken lines in which everything within them belongs to them and he has already built several fortifications on artificial islets.”

Nakamae is categorical in pointing out that “for Japan “This is a violation of international law and our economic security is at stake.”

On the other hand, he explains that this expansionism of China responds to the establishment of two lines of anti-access defense and the establishment of an enemy denial area. Those lines are precisely on Japan, Taiwan and even reach guaman American island with a significant military presence.

The Japanese ambassador added that «China claims sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands that belong to Japan and they are very close to Taiwan» while explaining with a graphic «the intrusion of the navy and fishing vessels of China in the territorial waters of Japan» and how it has increased exponentially since 2012.

A free and open Indo-Pacific

Nakamae He detailed that Japan has adopted a new defense policy that adheres to the doctrine of a Indo-Pacific free and open and clearly defined that «China “It represented an unprecedented challenge.”

In that sense, the diplomat explained that “stability and free navigation in the Strait of Taiwan is of critical interest to Japan» recalling that the island depends 90% on imported oil from the Middle East, so «there is increasing awareness in public opinion of Japan that if something happens in Taiwan “We cannot stay without doing anything.”

Taiwan is our friend and we help each other and there is a lot of sympathy between the two peoplesTakahiro NakamaeAmbassador of Japan in Spain

«We do not fear a mechanism similar to the NATO but bilateral defense agreements and quadrilateral dialogue schemes such as Quad between United States, Japan, Australia and India» admitted the ambassador.

However, Nakamae recalled the close commercial ties between both countries –China is the main trading partner of Japan– and admits that “an economic decoupling is not possible with China». Consider that «escalation of the conflict is not in the interest of any of the parties, so it remains to continue talking and urging that Beijing act in accordance with its international responsibilities.

«Japan wants to remain a peaceful country and our foreign policy is to adhere to peaceful means. We do not rely on war to achieve our objectives” therefore “our weapons are limited to defense” concluded the diplomat.

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