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This is the new identity card and passport presented by the Civil Registry | BBCL With You


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The Civil Registry presented the new design and security elements of the next identity cards and passports to be issued as of December 16, 2024, both in Chile and in its consulates abroad. These innovations include motifs of national flora and fauna, such as copihues, huemules and araucarias, as well as security improvements perceptible to sight, touch and sound, such as tactile relief, UV images and optically variable ink. With the last design change implemented 12 years ago, the aim was to prevent counterfeits and be more inclusive for people with visual disabilities.

Developed by BioBioChile

This Wednesday, the Civil Registry presented the design and security elements that the new identity cards and passports will incorporate. These will begin to be issued from December 16, 2024, both in Chile and in its consulates around the world.

This is an initiative that will allow the country to be at the forefront in terms of identification. This, since would help prevent counterfeits and it is also more inclusive for people with visual disabilities.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to renew the identity card at the end of the year if it has not yet expired. That is, if your card is in good condition and you have it with you, You must wait for its respective expiration date to request a new one at the Civil Registry.

The new identity card has 32 security measures, while the passport has 70 measures respectively. Both documents will be inclusive for people with visual disabilities. Besides, People will be able to opt for a Digital ID, which they can access through an app on their mobile phones, to services from both the public and private sectors more expeditiously, facilitating the completion of procedures digitally.

The design incorporates motifs from the flora and fauna of the country, with a color palette similar to the previous one, but that incorporates copihues, a huemul and two araucarias instead of the traditional condor.

In terms of identity card security, the new implementations are level 1, that is, they are perceptible to sight, touch and hearing. For example, it will have a tactile relief, images perceptible only with UV light and an optically variable ink element (OVI), among others.

Card with images perceptible with UV light. | One Agency

It is worth remembering that 12 years ago was the last change to the design and elements of these documents, Therefore, according to safety regulations, it was already appropriate to make the respective change. Review the main changes below.

This is the new passport and identity card

Identity card


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