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Carolina Píparo’s harsh criticism of La Libertad Avanza: “Swarm of violent, ignorant and intolerant people”

Carolina Píparo during a session in the Chamber of Deputies.

Representative Carolina Píparo, former candidate for governor of the province of Buenos Aires for La Libertad Avanza, is increasingly further away from that force and this morning she left a strong message on social networks that goes in that direction.

Despite voting against the project that establishes a new retirement formula, which received half a sanction in the Chamber of Deputies, the legislator took aim at the “liberals”, whom she accused of “violent, ignorant and intolerant”.

“It turns out that since the government came to power, and I remind you that I worked hard to make that happen, you cannot disagree in a single comma with the “liberals”, they became a swarm of violent, ignorant and intolerant people who defend the indefensible. and they believe they can change something from a keyboard,” wrote the former candidate for Buenos Aires governor for LLA.

“They are becoming everything we already saw and rejected. Fanaticism inevitably stains ideas, reflect because it is not there. See you soon“added the deputy in her message on X.

After the electoral victory in the presidential runoff on November 19, Javier Milei began to shape his government team, and the name of Carolina Píparo sounded very strongly to be at the head of the ANSeS. However, she was one of her first casualties before she took office, a fact that began to distance her from the libertarians.

The relationship cooled even further when the member of the Buenos Aires Libre bloc voted against four articles of the first version of the Bases Law, which caused the Executive to include her in the list of “traitors” that it publicly disseminated after the failed debate in the lower house during the extraordinary sessions in February.

“The Buenos Aires Libre bloc voted in favor of all emergencies and all delegated powers requested by the executive branch. The only negative vote was for a subsection, subsection H of article 4 (made up of eight subsections). Specifically, we voted against a modification proposed by another block on trusts,” Píparo replied after that list, also on social networks. And he expanded: “We wish the government temperance to bring peace of mind to the Argentines who have had such a hard time for so long.”

The national representative had already shown her differences with some sections of the omnibus law during the parliamentary negotiations that took place in January. “I regret that some have taken my criticism of this project wrong, which was always constructive and with the aim of defending the role of this Congress and its powers, such as, for example, not validating the debt restructuring with a single signature of ministers, not supporting that “some state companies such as Banco Nación remain in private hands, do not validate the sale of shares of the Guarantee Fund, do not increase taxes or highlight the urgency of debating a new retirement formula,” he said on the floor of Congress during that debate.

Argentine presidential candidate Javier Milei for La Libertad Avanza coalition poses for pictures with his sister Karina Milei, and Carolina Piparo, candidate for Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, during a campaign rally in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 12, 2023 REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

However, the official attacks against Píparo did not stop: after a few days of that failed debate, President Javier Milei himself once again used social networks to criticize the legislator and “liked” a message that asked the resignation of the deputy.

“Massive campaign of likes and comments to get Carolina Píparo to resign”, said one of the tweets that Milei “liked” on her social networks that time. Along with the phrase, a motion that the president seemed to support, is attached a photo of the legislator who says “traitor.”

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