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Lobby accusations in the appointment of Judge María Teresa Letelier involve Mario Desbordes

Approximate reading time: 1 minute, 33 seconds

In a new episode of judicial controversies, according to a publication by Ciper Chile, the former Minister of Defense Mario Desbordes appears in WhatsApp conversations with the former magistrate Juan Antonio Poblete, who is involved in the infamous “Wiretapping Case.” In these conversations, Poblete asked Desbordes to favor the appointment of Maria Teresa Letelier as a minister of the Supreme Court.

To understand the context, it is necessary to remember that Juan Antonio Poblete is a former judge of the Court of Appeals of Santiago, known for authorizing wiretapping against former members of the Army and the journalist Mauricio Weibel, in the case known as Operation Surveyor. This scandal included raids on his home, where his cell phone was seized. Among the many conversations discovered, compromising chats were found with María Teresa Letelier and Mario Desbordes.

The information collected by Ciper suggests that Desbordes would have lobbied in favor of Letelier during his appointment process. Later, already in his position on the highest court in the country, Letelier voted in favor of freeing Poblete when his case reached the Supreme Court. Furthermore, he would have been involved in efforts on behalf of Poblete when he was sued for several irregularities.

According to Ciper’s investigation, Poblete wrote to Desbordes requesting his support for Letelier’s appointment. The former minister’s response was a forceful “let’s support her,” thus beginning a series of exchanges that show possible influence peddling. These conversations continued, even involving direct contact between Desbordes and Letelier, where the magistrate expressed her gratitude to Desbordes for her efforts.

In one of the messages, Poblete wrote to Desbordes: “Don Mario, very good afternoon, it is time for what I requested of you, my great friend Ma. Teresa Letelier Ramírez, with 8 votes you are in the running for Minister of the Excma. Supreme Court, due to the death of Mr. Aranguiz. I’ll send you the resume later. For her 100%. From now on, your eternal gratitude.”

For his part, Letelier wrote to Poblete: “I spoke two days ago with Desbordes so to thank him for all his support that he had given me at your request, I told him that you were my friend, so he was very pleased that he had He called and told me that he is in my position and I told him that of course I am too, so we met there as friends, so that you can rest assured because I already spoke with him already.

These revelations call into question the transparency and integrity of the Supreme Court appointment process, raising serious questions about the possible existence of an undeclared lobby and influence peddling within the Chilean Judiciary. Ciper’s investigation sheds light on questionable practices that could affect public confidence in the country’s judicial institutions.

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