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Iván Márquez reappeared: this is what the leader of ‘The Second Marquetalia’ looks like in an image with Otty Patiño

It was learned that Iván Márquez is willing to negotiate with the Petro Government – credit Office of the High Commissioner for Peace

The former commander of the FARC, Iván Márquez, reappeared on Tuesday, June 4 after his death was rumored in 2023.

In photographs released by the peace delegation of the Government of President Gustavo Petro, his physical presence was confirmed and details were announced about the next phase of the peace talks between the Second Marquetalia and the Casa de Nariño, scheduled for the last week of June 2024.

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Since Sunday, June 2, Márquez joined the Government delegation that moved from Bogotá to Caracas, actively participating in meetings that lasted two days.

From these conversations came the statement that was made public on Tuesday. As published WeekDuring these meetings, Márquez showed lucidity and leadership, helping to draft the document that marks the official position of the parties involved in the process.

In the image, Márquez was observed with an obvious weight reduction and with limitations in one of his arms, circumstances that, according to Weekcould be consequences of fighting in the border area.

Iván Márquez appeared in a video during a forum in Vichada, which was seen as the first proof of life since an attack in 2022 that caused him severe injuries.

In the video, Márquez sends greetings to the departments of Vichada, Guainía, Vaupés and Arauca, as well as the Venezuelan states of Amazonas and Apure. He speaks out on the protection of biodiversity and the fight against climate change, emphasizing his desire to be guardians of the Amazon rainforest, which he refers to as “the lungs of the world.”

At first it was speculated that the video had been made with artificial intelligence – credit Social networks

Given Márquez’s appearance on video, there was speculation that it could have been created with artificial intelligence; However, that was denied by the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez. “What I have learned, due to intelligence, is that it is a real video. We don’t know where it was recorded. “What has always been known about ‘Iván Márquez’ is that he has remained in an area close to the border with Venezuela,” said the head of the portfolio.

The audiovisual material is titled ‘Greeting to the binational forum for life, peace and biodiversity of the Amazon and Orinoquia’. In it, Márquez also refers to the importance of continuing to “sow peace” and being the “human guardians of this wonderful jungle.”

In a significant step towards peace, it was confirmed that Márquez is willing to negotiate. Otty Patiño, High Commissioner for Peace, met with him personally in a border area between Venezuela and Colombia starting in February 2024.

The agreement reached between Márquez and the Government delegates provides for an official installation on June 24 in the Venezuelan capital, where a roadmap will be drawn up to seek a negotiated solution to the conflict. Delegates from the Venezuelan and Cuban governments, the Catholic Church, international organizations and representatives of both delegations were present at the meeting in Caracas. On behalf of the Colombian Executive, Otty Patiño was accompanied by Armando Novoa, who will take over as head of the government delegation.

A photograph shows Monsignor Héctor Fabio Henao, delegate of the Colombian Episcopal Conference for peace issues, together with government representatives. On the Second Marquetalia side, Iván Márquez and José Vicente Lesmes, alias Walter Mendoza, who will lead the peace delegation of that guerrilla organization, were present.

“It was also agreed that the Agenda for Dialogues and Negotiation will have, among others, the following basic points: 1) De-escalation of the conflict and readiness of the Peace Territories; 2) Construction of Territories of peace; 3) Victims as a transformative social subject; 4) Conditions for peaceful coexistence; 5) Implementation”, says a fragment of the document signed between the parties.

Colombia’s Defense Minister, Iván Velásquez, assured that according to intelligence, the Márquez video was genuine – credit Luisa González/Reuters

Márquez has been a controversial figure due to his participation in the peace talks in the government of Juan Manuel Santos and subsequent decisions.

In July 2023, several media outlets reported his alleged death in armed clashes on the border between Colombia and Venezuela, even mentioning that he could have died blind, alone and depressed in Venezuela.

Other versions suggested that he survived with multiple injuries and was helped by the government of Nicolás Maduro, for now all versions are speculation, since at no time has Márquez explicitly said what became of him after the events of 2022.

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