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Yuccs accelerates its international expansion with its sights set on Portugal and Germany

Consolidate to grow. That is the objective that Yuccs pursues in Spain, while continuing the international expansion plan that began last year, for now only online, but with the medium-term ambition of open its own store in Europe “starting next year”once the international markets are more developed,” says Pablo Mas, its founder, who specifies that “it could be in Lisbon or Berlin.”

These cities are the capitals of its two main international markets, Portugal and Germanyin which the footwear brand founded in 2018 is present through the online channel. Portugal currently represents 15% of the company’s total turnover, which in 2023 reached eight million euros in sales, falling below its forecasts, which were expected to reach ten million euros.

The company’s sales forecast for the current year remains at that level. figure, which according to Pablo Mas he hopes to reach by scaling international sales and consolidating the home market, which in 2023 represented 99% of sales, while during the first half of 2024 the international part of the business has been gaining ground. “We are growing 50% monthly in Portugal and we have been like this for four months,” Mas advances.

Yuccs has five stores in Spain, located in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, Oviedo and Palma de Mallorca

At the end of last year, the company carried out a crowdfunding with which he raised 400,000 euros in just 24 hours and is allocating the capital to its plan to consolidate the brand in Spain, enhance international presence and increase production capacity.

The online channel currently accounts for 65% of Yuccs’ sales, while 35% corresponds to physical stores, according to Pablo Mas, who explains that the company is committed to its own channels and that multi-brand represents only 5% of turnover. “It is a question of brand positioning, through which we prefer to bet on more of our own stores and work in more distant markets with franchises, at least three years from now,” he maintains.

Yuccs has five of its own stores, located in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, Oviedo and Palma de Mallorca, and has no plans to open more for now, according to its founder. “We are going to continue with openings, but outside of Spain.” “The plan is to go little by little, we have ambitious plans, but it is important to grow sustainably,” adds Mas.

The company, which is based in Mallorca, has a staff of sixty people and produces its footwear in Elche (Alicante). Specializing in sneakers made with merino wool, Yuccs has diversified its product portfolio, entering the fashion and accessories categories. It will soon begin operating in the children’s segmenttaking advantage of the brand’s channels and with a space in stores dedicated to this segment.

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