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Camila Polizzi’s Mother Faces Increase in Precautionary Measure for Failure to Comply with House Arrest

In an unexpected turn of events Conventions casethe Public Ministry has decided to request an increase in the precautionary measure imposed on Pilar Fonsecathe mother of Camila Polizziwho is accused of the crime of money laundering. The decision is due to the fact that Fonseca has repeatedly failed to comply with the house arrest which was decreed at the end of April.

According to reports from Carabinerosthe woman did not respond to the controls carried out by police personnel on the days May 8, 14 and 28 past, when he had to remain at home between the 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.. Given this situation, the prosecutor María José Aguayo The request to increase the precautionary measure has been submitted to the corresponding Court.

Review of the Precautionary and Possible Total House Arrest

He Concepción Guarantee Court has set the June 14th as the date for the review of the precautionary measure imposed on Pilar Fonseca. It is expected that in this instance, the Prosecutor’s Office will request at least the total house arrest for the accused, given the repeated lack of compliance with the current precautionary measure.

Furthermore, prosecutor Aguayo has asked Carabineros to report if there are breaches of house arrest by other defendants on the edge Foundation In Youas Camila Polizzi, Diego and Sebastian Polanco, Rodrigo Martinez, Simon Acuna and Tamara Vidalthe latter of whom non-compliance has already been reported on April 27 past.


He Conventions case continues to generate new developments, and the Public Ministry’s decision to request an increase in the precautionary measure against Pilar Fonseca demonstrates the seriousness with which this investigation is being approached. The precautionary review the next June 14th will be key to determining whether control over the accused in this complex case of money laundering.

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