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A mechanic’s botched job that could have had serious consequences: “If…

The popular mechanic Ángel Gaitán, known for his videos on TikTok, has once again uncovered a worrying botch in the work of another colleague. In his GT Automotive workshop, Gaitán has shown a detail that could go unnoticed by many, but that contains a real danger for the car.

It is a screw that holds the exhaust, placed completely inappropriately. Instead of facing upwards, as it should, the screw protrudes downwards and is below the lowest level of the car. This means that if the vehicle drives over a speed bump or any similar obstacle, the screw could catch or hit hard, causing serious damage to the exhaust pipe.

“Who pays for this later? The client,” Gaitán asks with indignation. “But it’s the fault of the mechanic who set this up like this, he’s a fool,” he says. And the solution to the problem is as simple as loosening the screw and placing it in the correct position, facing upwards, where it would not rub against anything or cause any problem.

“How much does it cost to do this? Because I don’t understand it,” adds Gaitán, visibly upset by his colleague’s negligence. These types of botched jobs not only put the integrity of the vehicle at risk, but also generate unnecessary expenses for customers and damage the image of the mechanics sector.

Gaitán’s video has generated a stir on social networks, where many users have expressed their indignation at this type of practice. The community of car enthusiasts demands greater professionalism and responsibility from mechanics, to prevent this type of botchage from putting the safety and wallets of customers at risk.

It is important to remember that mechanics is a job that requires precision, knowledge and experience. Entrusting the maintenance of our vehicle to qualified and responsible professionals is the best way to avoid this type of problems and guarantee the safety and proper functioning of our car.

Ángel Gaitán, with his usual direct and casual style, once again highlights the importance of professional ethics in the mechanics sector. Its message is clear: botch work has no place in this job, and professionals must assume responsibility for carrying out their work with the highest quality and professionalism.

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