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Bipartisan support for Taiwan gives hope for free trade deal, US business group says

The high level of bipartisan political support for Taiwan in the United States gives hope that a free trade agreement can finally be signed, especially given the progress in current talks, the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan said Thursday. .

Taiwan, a major semiconductor producer, has long campaigned for such an agreement, in what would be a strong show of support for the island claimed by China in the face of relentless diplomatic and military pressure from Beijing. He affirms that he is a reliable partner for the United States with shared democratic values.

Although Taiwan was excluded in 2022 from the Biden administration’s Asia-focused economic plan designed to counter China’s growing influence, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, or IPEF, Washington instead began talks with Taiwan under the trade initiative. “XXI century”.

In presenting his annual White Paper, American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan President Dan Silver said that an important part of the basic elements for a free trade agreement will already have been formally agreed upon if the “Century” agreement is completed. XXI”.

“The issue will then become a question of political will. And we can see from the USTR 2024 priorities released in the first quarter that Taiwan is very high on the agenda,” he added, referring to the US Trade Representative. USA.

“Our belief is that we know that bilateral trade agreements generally do not have the level of support in Washington that they once had; we are also aware that there are few places that have a higher level of bipartisan support than Taiwan,” said Silver, whose body represents more than 570 companies.

“And our view is that with the ’21st Century’ initiative nearing completion, with strong bipartisan support for Taiwan in Congress, there is a prospect that a bilateral trade agreement could come at some point in the future.”

Beijing has denounced the “21st Century” trade talks as it does all forms of high-level engagement between the United States and Taiwan, which do not maintain formal diplomatic ties.

Taiwan strongly rejects China’s sovereignty claims.

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