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Environment: tips to take care of it

During the last decades the planet has reached a critical point due to pollution, global warming, among other causes. That is why it is necessary to care for the environment in our daily activities.

And, according to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, up to 40% of the planet’s land areas are degraded, which directly affects half of the world’s population.

For this reason, World Environment Day 2024 focuses on restoring lands, stopping desertification and strengthening resilience to drought under the theme “Our lands. Our future. We are the #RestorationGeneration.

Tips for caring for the environment

Save water

It is one of the primary actions to care for the environment. Let us remember that less than 3% of the water on the planet is suitable for human consumption.

In addition, the El Niño Phenomenon has generated situations such as water rationing in Bogotá due to the low water level of the reservoirs that supply the precious liquid to the capital and some surrounding municipalities.

For example, if we leave the faucet open while we brush our teeth, soap our hands, among other tasks, we use around 6 liters of water, while if it is only turned on when necessary, the cost is less than half a liter.

In addition, keeping the time in the shower less than five minutes, using the washing machine with a full load and closing the taps tightly so that there are no leaks are some of the actions we can use to save water.

Avoid single-use plastics

Use ecological bags when shopping, always carry a thermos for water with you and thus avoid using single-use plastic bottles.

Another simple action is to reuse all plastic utensils or avoid buying them whenever possible.

You can carry reusable straws and cups with you so that you discourage the use of these single-use plastics in cafes, in the office or in your daily life.

Separate trash

Another measure is recycling and the correct separation of household items and in general in any space you are in.

  • Paper and paperboard
  • Packaging and plastic: All this must be accumulated separately from the garbage so that it can be used again. Use white bags for these items
  • Organic waste: All food scraps, including fruit and vegetable skins, should go in green garbage bags or bins.
  • Unusable remains: The dust, cigarette butts, diapers, toilet paper, feminine towels, chewing gum and other garbage goes in a black bag, which will end up in a landfill.

Energy saving

Saving energy is another action that we can do in our daily lives to care for the environment.
This way we can reduce the use of fuels to generate electricity (oil and coal), which are very harmful and the main emitters of greenhouse gases.

Some actions to achieve this savings are:

  • Use of low consumption light bulbs
  • Leave appliances unplugged when not in use
  • Turn off lights and appliances that are not in use
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