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In San Juan there are 20 schools without gas and around 25 complaints are received daily

With the arrival of low temperatures, a postcard that repeats itself is the schools that must suspend classes since, due to the lack of gas, they do not have heating and being able to stay in the classroom is practically impossible. The Gas Networks Directorate is in charge of these tasks and so far this year they have only been able to solve four of the 24 establishments that were in more complex conditions.

This was confirmed by the head of the Gas Networks Directorate, which depends on the Ministry of Infrastructure, Water and Energy, Ángel Domijan. In a press conference, he explained that one of the first actions of the management was to carry out a survey in the educational establishments, with the aim of being able to leave them ready before the arrival of the first cold weather, but the result showed buildings that did not have gas. , some in irregular conditions and others even without the necessary documentation.

“The first tasks were tackled with people from our workshop, but we were overwhelmed and we are now attacking it with companies. At the same time, Ecogas requires updated documentation from the establishments regarding gas installations and we find ourselves in some cases where it was not there,” the official said, noting that today there are 15 companies dedicated to tasks in the establishments, but The objective is to be able to add more to shorten work times.

Currently there are 20 buildings that do not directly have a gas supply. They are located in Capital, Rawson, Rivadavia and Pocito.

Added to this inconvenience are the daily complaints received from the Management. As Domijan pointed out, they receive between 20 to 25 complaints per day from establishments that present some minor inconvenience. “We resolve complaints practically the same day because they are punctual. What happens is that they accumulate, we attack around 15 complaints a day out of the 25 we receive, and they accumulate“, he pointed.

In order to carry out all the tasks and major works, the Management has calculated an investment of around 50 million pesos for the buildings that do not have the service, and about 80 million more in those establishments located, that is , which provide the service, but some artifacts are sealed and cannot be used because they are in poor condition or similar.

Articulated work between Education and Infrastructure to avoid the loss of classes

For their part, they detailed that joint work is being done between Education and Infrastructure to prevent the lack of gas from complicating the delivery of classes.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education explained that some directors, given the low temperatures, have made the decision to return to virtual classes until the problem is solved.

In others, the arrival of fan heaters such as electric heaters is managed, to cope with the cold until the problem with the gas is solved.

Insist on the care of artifacts in schools, a request that is reiterated every year

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the head of the Gas Networks Directorate once again asked directors, teachers, students and the educational community in general to take care of the different devices that are in the establishments, since on more than one occasion they have had to solve them. a claim and having to return days later since misuse or vandalism led to the equipment being left unused.

“We also encounter the situation that they do not properly take care of the establishments. We have to go back a few days to fix the same thing. We ask that you raise awareness because it is a lake for them, for the kids. There are many buildings and they all have to be solved,” Domijan reflected.

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