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Risk of Avian Flu? This is what you should know to protect yourself

One person died from bird flu in Mexico

On May 23, the National Focal Point of Mexicoresponsible for applying the International Health Regulations, reported on the first case of a human infected with avian influenza in the country and died days later.

The patient, a 59-year-old man from Mexico state, was hospitalized in Mexico City. According to his medical history, no came into contact with poultry or other animalswhich generates uncertainty about the source of infection.

Prior to his diagnosis, he presented symptoms that led him to seek medical attention. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the patient had hospital contact with 17 more people and that they were identified, only one reported symptoms.

According to the SSA, there is little risk of contagion from bird flu.

Given this, the Ministry of Health reported that despite this incident, there is no risk of contagion from avian flu among the general population in Mexico. To date, no further cases have been reported.

Likewise, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers that the public health risk of this virus is low for the general population.

In response to this case, health authorities issued a series of recommendations to prevent possible infections. These include properly cooking the chicken meat and eggs at more than 70°C, and do not use the same utensils to handle raw and cooked foods.

It is also recommended to avoid contact with wild animals and not touch birds or poultry that are sick or dead from unknown causes.

For whom it is they work on farms or slaughterhousesor have contact with birds, animals, their products and waste, the use of gloves, face masks and protective clothing.

Citizens are asked to avoid contact with wild animals and not touch birds or poultry that are sick or dead from unknown causes (Photo: Sader)

It is essential to wash your hands before handling cooked foods and after handling raw foods, and do so frequently with soap and water or solutions based on 70% alcohol.

Additionally, the population is urged to monitor Possible signs of illness or abnormal death in farm or backyard animals and report it immediately to the authorities. It is also recommended to use face masks in case of respiratory symptoms, ventilate spaces and cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

In if you have symptoms such as fever, conjunctivitis, cough, burning throat, runny nose, difficulty breathing, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding or alterations in consciousness after having had contact with sick or dead birds or other animals, you should go to a doctor. the medical unit nearest for the corresponding care.

These measures seek to protect public health and contain the possible spread of the avian influenza virus, emphasizing the importance of prevention and a prompt response to any symptoms or abnormal situations related to animals and food.

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