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Weretilneck spoke of “rates” and described them as a “hit to the pockets of the people of Rio Negro”

The increases in services do not give users a break and now the governor of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, harshly criticized the new reduction in Nation subsidies that affects with increases in gas and electricity.

“Our rejection is total to the new rates. Due to a new reduction in subsidies from the national government, electricity and gas rates have increased since this month,” said the provincial president on platform X.

Weretilneck said that “the Light increases will be up to 155% and gas increases by 64%. “A blow to the pockets of the people of Rio Negro, a measure that directly affects middle and low-income users.”

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Since yesterday, the Government of Javier Milei began an energy subsidy scheme, reducing the maximum limits of subsidized consumption for low-income users and media. This measure is based on the Executive’s idea of ​​”rationalizing energy use and adjusting costs to the economic reality of the country.” It will be implemented from June 1 to November 30, 2024. All users will see the increases.

Rate increase: how it impacts users

The new provisions were published in the Official Gazette through four resolutions of the Ministry of Energy. These regulations establish that subsidies will go from being generalized to targeted, allowing users to know the real cost of the kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electrical energy and the cubic meter (m³) of natural gas. State assistance will be adjusted according to users’ ability to pay, with bonuses up to a specific consumption limit.

The subsidy scheme is segmented into three categories of households: high income (N1), low income (N2) and medium income (N3). Currently, users N2 and N3 are the ones that least cover the costs of the energy consumed due to subsidies. However, with the new scheme, The subsidized consumption limits will undergo significant modifications.

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