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Erick Delgado attacked Diego Penny for saying that he never went to Europe: They thought you were Courtois and they sent you back | Sports

Diego Penny and Erick Delgado, two former Sporting Cristal goalkeepers, have been involved in a new controversy. In a recent preview of an interview on the YouTube program ‘Enfocados’, which is hosted by Jefferson Farfán and Roberto Guizasola, ‘Flaco’ generated the annoyance of Delgado, who did not hesitate to respond to him in the latest edition of ‘Ni loco nor holy’.

After being consulted by Erick Delgado, Penny highlighted the national championships he won and specified that he emigrated abroad. In addition, the current goalkeeper of Deportivo Garcilaso responded that ‘Loco’ had gone abroad but on vacation.

What did Erick Delgado say after Diego Penny’s statements?

These words provoked the anger of Erick Delgado, who in the program ‘Ni loco ni santo’ presented a compilation video of the bloopers that Diego Penny committed throughout his career. After, He recalled that Melgar’s former goalkeeper failed to stand out in Europewhere he had a brief experience.

“You can talk about foreigners, but they took you there because you were 1.97 meters tall and they thought they were hiring Courtois. When they realized, they put you in a game and scored 5 goals against you, then they sent you back,” he said.

Then, Delgado recalled the time when they shared a team at Sporting Cristal, stage in which he was the starting goalkeeper, while Penny was just beginning to make his way in professional football.

“You say that you were becoming champion in the provinces. When at 18 I was covering in first class, becoming champion, you were in children’s and you were not even a starter. What’s more, they taught you to cover the ball. Remember that you owe a lot to ‘ Neneka’ (Elías Acevedo), who made you put in the goal. They invited you to first class one day and you stayed because of that. Jefferson has remained silent, but even he told you that you were a scamp because you didn’t grab one. “he added.

Erick Delgado described Diego Penny as a fool and a patero

“You are a patero. If I were one, I would continue covering up. If I were a slob and I put on knee pads, I would continue covering up. I am not a slob or a patero, I don’t pick up the phone to get hired and give myself away. I don’t do it, I’m not a scumbag. ***. (…) I had often limited myself in responding to this tar***, because he is a tar***, he is a jerk, a jerk, Jefferson Farfán is my friend, I send him a hug. “I’m waiting for him to invite me because I want to go sit there and say a few things. Because to laugh at that antics, I had to say what you think,” he said.

Finally, Delgado He stated that several consider that he is part of the history of Sporting Cristal as one of the four best goalkeepers, so Diego Penny should not be compared to him. “While I defended the Cristal goal for 10 long years, you went to Bolognesi to see if you could play and only because of your height they put you on the team. You can’t sit next to me at the same table. When they talk about the best Cristal archers, they mention Julio César Balerio, Ramón Quiroga, Rafael Asca and Erick Delgado, but they don’t even mention you. You should choose your battles better,” he said.

What did Diego Penny say about Erick Delgado?

In the last part of the interview preview, Jefferson Farfán and Roberto Guizasola named names of different players so that the guest could evaluate whether they were better or worse than them. One of the names they mentioned was Erick Delgado. “I have been champion with provincial teams, which is more difficult,” said Penny.

Diego Penny played only a couple of games for Burnley in England. Photo: diffusion

The 40-year-old goalkeeper remembered his titles with Juan Aurich in 2011, Coronel Bolognesi in the 2007 Clausura and Melgar in the Summer Tournament and the 2018 Clausura Tournament. Likewise, mentioned his experience abroad, specifically in Burnley in England. “I had to go abroad,” he added. This response generated a reply from Jefferson Farfán, who asked if Erick Delgado had never gone abroad. “Well, maybe just on vacation”he answered.

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