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How are the rates with the increase of up to more than 150 percent

The national government has already begun the “Transition Period towards Targeted Energy Subsidies”, which will be in effect until November 30 and which aims to redirect electricity and gas subsidies. With the modification of the maximum subsidized consumption limits, the increase in bills will be more than 150 percent.

In effect, low and medium income users (Level 2 and Level 3 respectively) will have an increase in their bills of up to 150 percent. In addition, users will be able to know the cost per kilowatt of electrical energy and per cubic meter of natural gas on their bills, while at the same time they will be able to access State assistance, depending on the households’ payment capacity.

Electricity rates

  • Level 1 Users: High incomes and productive sectors (commerce and industry) will pay between 56,019 and 59,298 pesos per kW.
  • Level 3 Users: The base consumption goes to 30,000 pesos per kW, while the excess consumption goes to the Level 1 values.
  • Level 2 Users: The base consumption goes to 20,000 pesos per kW, while the excess consumption goes to the Level 1 values.
  • In addition, wholesale prices were determined, according to the income of the users and up to a certain consumption limit. Thus, with an average consumption of 260 kw in a home, the average monthly value of a bill would be:
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Level 1: will go from 24,710 to 30,355 pesos.

Level 3: will go from 6,585 to 16,850 pesos.

Level 2: will go from 6,295 to 12,545 pesos.

Gas rates

  • Level 1 users: high incomes and productive sectors (commerce and industry) will pay $3.30 per million British Thermal Units (MMBTU), according to the distributor.
  • Level 3 users: base consumption increases to $2.34 per MMBTU, according to the distributor. Excess consumption will be paid at $3.30 per MMBTU.
  • Level 2 users: base consumption increases to $2.14 per MMBTU, according to the distributor. Excess consumption will be paid at $3.30 per MMBTU.
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