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How should users register again?

In the coming days, when it is officially announced, those interested (businesses, industries and households) in being part of the subsidy scheme must enter the link to carry out the procedure.

It is worth remembering that, according to the established segmentations, currently, There are three types of homes:

  • High income (N1)
  • Low income (N2)
  • Average income (N3)

The N2 and N3 cover only a small part of the costs of the energy they consume, which is one of the items on the bills, in addition to the cost of transportation, distribution and national, municipal and provincial taxes.

Increase in electricity: how much will it cost from June with the cut to subsidies


Electricity subsidy: the consumption limit for Level 2 was set at (350) kWh per month (Photo: file).

Regarding electricity increases, the portfolio headed by Eduardo Rodríguez Chirilo made an estimate of increases in average residential consumption of 260 KWh:

  • N1 will go from $24,710 to $30,355 (22.8%)
  • N3 will go from $6,585 to $16,850 (155.9%)
  • N2 will go from $6,295 to $12,545 (99.3%)

On the other hand, Resolution 90/2024 published by Energía establishes new consumption limits with subsidies. This implies that users N2 and N3 that exceed these limits will pay more for electricity.

“For the demand of users categorized in the Level 2 the base consumption limit is set at THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (350) kWh/month”says the standard. This segment did not have a consumption limit with subsidies with the scheme that had been in effect since 2022 and that the Government modified this Wednesday. For cold areas the limit will be 700 kWh/month.

Gas increase: how much will it cost from June with the cut in subsidies

The Government stopped the increase in gas rates in May.webp

Gas increases from June bills (Photo: file).

Regarding gas service, the Government established new rates that will be reflected in bills starting in June. Below are the estimates:

  • N1 (high income)with an average consumption of 149 m³, will go from $25,756 to $28,142 (9.27% ​​increase).
  • N3 (average income)with an average consumption of 171 m³, will go from $24,465 to $26,865 (9.81% increase).
  • N2 (low income)with an average consumption of 159 m³, will go from $15,638 to $20,797 (32.98% increase).

When these households exceed the maximum subsidized consumption, they must pay the established reference price (US$3.29).

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