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Movistar Plus+’s ‘Second Death’ is filmed in Cantabria

Today Thursday, Movistar Plus+ premieres ‘Second Death’his new original series starring Georgina Amorós (‘Elite’) and Karra Elejalde (‘While the war lasts’) and created by Agustín Martínez (‘The hunt’). It’s about a “atypical rural thriller” set in the imposing landscapes of Pasiegos Cantabria in which the appearance of the body of a woman who was already buried several years ago uncovers a web of secrets and lies between neighbors, friends and family marked by illness and loss.

“It’s a rural thrillerbut not because it is rural is it atypical, but rather atypical because it delves into the feelingsin the emotions“, says Elejalde. And the heart of the story, its driving force, is the difficult relationship of Sandra (Amorós), a police assistant with a photographic memory who eight years ago left her lucrative position in a multinational to return to her town with her son and take care of her sick mother and father, telloa veteran agent of the UCO nicknamed as ‘The mountain‘who is a legend in the body and who is beginning to suffer dementia.

«They both have a story from the past that has marked them a lot and in Sandra, my character, there is a lot of resentment. Furthermore, he also has a fascinating mind where he remembers absolutely everything and that also works against him in this case. “It is a gift and a curse,” he explains. Amorós which shows how, from those very distant places, father and daughter will try to get closer but each one from their own trench.

«‘Second Death’ It could be considered the story of a hug because it is so important mystery that arises, what happened to that woman and why she appears dead for the second time, such as the relationship between tello and Sandra», explains its creator, Agustín Martínezwhich assures that this is “a drama built with the resources and twists of a thriller.”

«It’s like a chess game, each scene is so well written that it ends with a check, either from her to me or from me to her. They are all reproaches, coldness and resentment in a kind of chess game in which we see who does the most damage to whom by reproaching them for that,” adds the actor. The winner of two awards Goya explains that to reflect the dementia of his character at different levels, he agreed with the directors of the series on a “numerical code from one to five” to apply a lesser or greater degree of this terrible disease in each sequence. It was a tool, he assures, necessary “to make a season meaningful and coherent” when it came to reflecting the evolution of tello since, as is usual in all productions, ‘Second Death’ It was not shot in chronological order.

«In addition, these are diseases that are not degenerative in a linear progressive way, they have ups and downsand that was a way we had to see what state of dementia I had because maybe in sequence 17 you have grade 3, but in sequence 42 you have grade 0,” explains the actor who experienced a case as close as that of his mother. precisely while the series was filming.

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