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“The energy and gas laws are not translating the true value and we are paying more,” said a specialist

One of the biggest concerns for people in recent times is the cost of electricity and gas rates, which for some time has been warned that there may be a sharp increase, even though in some places it has already arrived. Given this scenario, this medium contacted the head of ADDUC, Osvaldo Bassano.

“To talk about prepaid rates we would have to talk about what It is not the cost of generation that is being discussed at this time the real”, commented Osvaldo Bassano. “We should be talking about the energy law and the gas law They are not translating the true value of gas and we are paying more”he added.

The lie of the rate update

Subsequently, Bassano stated: “The cost of gas at the wellhead is $2 and they charge 10 dollarsor the megawatt is 20 dollars and 100 dollars is chargedevidently they are charging us more”. Then, he stated that, “all the rest is a chamuyo that has been organized by CAMMESA, which they have taken as a message that at this moment We are paying the rate update and it is a lie”.

Electricity and gas rates should be less than half

“The rates have an international price, They do not have a real price, they do not have an Argentine price“said the interviewee. “On the other hand, they have contracts, which in essence, They transform the consumer’s pocket into a holebecause if this were to take the real cost and not the financial cost, we would be talking about rates almost less than half of what we are paying”, he added.

On the other hand, the head of ADDUC pointed out: “The same thing happens with gasoline, we have a barrel of oil at international value, but we have the oil, so, When we are not clear about this and the policy does not clarify, this is simply the consumer’s pocket.”. At the same time, he stressed that, “we do not have the income to finance hydrocarbon exports”.

In closing, Bassano expressed: “Not only has late payment increased, but also the criminal form, which both Edesur and Edenor, how they are attacking consumers who remove their meters or lower the tension in the neighborhood“, which is detrimental to all other users.”

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