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What are the differences and results of each one?

In recent years, two names have stood out in the field of treatment of the obesity and the type 2 diabetes, Ozempic and Wegovy. Both medications developed by Nordiskshare the same active ingredient, the semaglutidebut they are indicated for different purposes. Since last May 1, Spain has authorized the prescription of Wegovywith the objective of alleviate Ozempic shortage. We examine the differences and results of these revolutionary drugs and what experts think about their use.

Ozempic, a dual treatment

Ozempic was approved by the FDA in December 2017 for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Its mechanism of action is based on the semaglutidea GLP-1 receptor agonistwhich helps control the levels of blood sugar and reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications. However, one of his side effectsthe weightlosshas made it popular as weight loss medicationeven though this indication is not officially approved.

Wegovy, focused on weight loss

In June 2021the FDA approved wegovy specifically for weight management in people with a body mass index (BMI) of at least 30or of 27 with comorbidities associated as hypertension or prediabetes.

Like Ozempic, Wegovy contains semaglutidebut in higher concentrations and with a different dosing regimendesigned to maximize weight loss. Clinical trials have shown that patients can lose up to 15% of their initial body weight with Wegovy, a significantly greater result compared to other treatments.

Similarities and differences in administration

Both medicines are administered through a injection subcutaneous weekly using a pre-filled pen. Ozempic is available in 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, and 1 mg doses, while Wegovy also includes 1.7 mg and 2.4 mg doses. This variation in the dosage allows Wegovy be used in cases of obesity severe, even in preparation for surgery.

The side effects from Ozempic and Wegovy are Similarbecause they share the same active ingredient. Among the most common are the gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. However, there are notable differences in reported adverse reactions. For example, Ozempic may cause hypersensitivity and headacheswhile wegovy has shown cases of hypotension and hair loss. Besides, the Diabetic retinopathy is a complication potentially aggravated by Ozempic due to the rapid reduction in blood sugar levels.

One of the main differences lies in the cost and financing. Ozempicindicated for type 2 diabetes, may be financed by the national health system in Spain, reducing its price for the patient. Instead, wegovyintended for weight loss, not covered by social security and its cost can amount to 292.03 euros per pen in higher doses, which represents a significant outlay for those who need it.

These medications are now under the scrutiny of the scientific community. A study published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Neuroscience showed that this drug could not only be used to treat diabetes or lose weight, but that Ozempic could be used to reduce alcohol consumption. However, more time is needed to see all its uses and draw conclusions about the drug.

Princess of Asturias Award 2024

The innovation of the semaglutide has been internationally recognizedand its creators have received the prestigious Princess of Asturias Award. This recognition highlights the importance of these medications in the treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity, and highlights the need to continue researching and developing effective and accessible therapies.

Although Ozempic and Wegovy represent significant advances, it is essential to remember that They are not magic solutions. The weightloss sustainable and management diabetes require a integral approach that includes a healthy diet, exercise regular and changes in style of life. Natural alternatives, such as a balanced diet and physical activity, remain essential for overall well-being and long-term health.

Therefore, Ozempic and Wegovy have transformed the landscape of diabetes and obesity treatment, offering new hope to many patients. However, its use must be guided by health professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness, and it is crucial to continue promoting healthy lifestyle habits as an integral part of any medical treatment.

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